Chapter 16, The confession...

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After first hour started, I couldn't keep my mind off that message I received last night

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After first hour started, I couldn't keep my mind off that message I received last night. Who could it be?I looked from over my shoulder at Sakura but she avoided my look. Then, I moved my eyes at Sasuke who had a stoic expression as usual. I was glad to see him in class though knowing he is not missing school. Then his eyes met mine as he smirked and winked at me, fact that made me instantly look back in my notebook.

I sighed. I just hoped I will not receive any more of these harassing messages.

Due the break between classes, I went to the bathroom. I was on my period and I had terrible abdominal pain. Since Raiden, the pain worsened. It was like had thousands of knives in the abdomen. Not to mention the pain and stingy sensation from my intimate zone. It was awful. Everytime I went to bathroom it stung so bad that I had tears in my eyes while peeing.

While I was inside changing my tampon I suddenly felt cold water falling on me like a giant waterfall followed by corn flour that stuck to my wet clothes and body. I was soaked. I heard some female voices as they run out the bathroom after throwing the corn flour. I was shocked. I tried to pull up my pants but I was covered in in corn flour that started to harden. My hair was a mess. I was a total mess. I pulled up my pants, flushed the toilet and sat back on it. I started sobbing. It was impossible to return to class like this. Who did this?! Why?! Why they hate me so much? Why me?.. All these question were tormenting me while my tears drops hit the ground.

I stood there and waited to bell to ring so that everyone would return to class. I had to go home and hope that nobody would see me like this. So I heard the bell and after 10 more minutes I got out the toilet just to be greeted by messages written with red lipstick on the bathroom mirrors. I covered my mouth with shock.


Tears began to fall uncontrollably. I was angry. Angry on the world. I ran towards the mirrors like a crazy person and began to smear with my hands the red lipstick messages so that I will not see those horrible messages anymore. I was crying because of anger and I was desperately trying to erase those words that I forgot the floor was wet so when I reached the last mirror I slipped so hard and ended with my right hand on it, shattering the mirror. Then something happened.

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