18: Challenge

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The Joker gang retreated to their new headquarters in the recently conquered museum. An upper office overlooking the elevated train platform outside had been appropriated for Joker's personal sanctuary. He'd already given orders for some of his goons to repaint the place in more appropriate colors, such as green and purple, but the painters had yet to come back with their supplies, so the vanished wood paneling Penguin preferred still covered the walls and filing cabinets.

Joker plopped down in the overstuffed chair behind a massive desk. Resting his elbows on the desk and his chin on his cupped palms, he stared forcefully at his men.

"What do we know about this Bane?" Joker questioned.

"Not much," one of the goons managed to admit.

"Tell me what you do know," the clown insisted, his voice taking an edge and causing the goon to swallow with difficulty.

"The first reports of him come from a northern Caribbean Island, Santa Prisca," the man informed Joker. "He makes his living as a mercenary. Rumor says he's one of the best."

"Anything else?" Joker prompted. The thug shook his head and Joker slammed a gloved fist down upon the desk. "I want to know everything about Bane, right down to the number of fillings in his teeth!"

"Yes sir," the scared criminal answered immediately.

"Also find out who Bane's working for," Joker added calmly, resting his chin on his hands again with all traces of anger gone. "Since he's a mercenary, maybe we can get to him through his employer, perhaps even convince him to join our side."

"Since he isn't on our side yet, what can we do if he decides not to join?" Harley inquired, taking a seat on the corner of the desk and leaning backwards on her elbows to be close enough to look Joker in the eye.  More than one of the thugs in the room took notice of Harley's pose and how her jester outfit formed to her every curve.  When Joker turned his gaze on them, however, they quickly looked elsewhere.

"We'll need to find Bane and keep an eye on him," Joker decided, staring at his men with narrowed eyes.  The brief irritation faded as a smile played about his lips.  "At the very least, we need to know what he's up to and where. After what he did to Two-Face, I wouldn't want him having a crush on me."

Joker snickered at his own joke before pointing toward two of his men. "You two, go through Penguin's files and see what you can dig up on Bane."

"Sure thing, Boss," the pair agreed.

"In the meantime, everyone is to wear penguin markings on their clothes to make Gotham believe there hasn't been a change in leadership around here," Joker continued. "We'll get our own in due time, but the disguises will help for the moment. We need to take down Bane before he gets the idea of taking this city. There's only going to be one king of Gotham, and that's me."


Joker and Harley watched the afternoon news broadcast on TV intently. The image currently displayed was of a blonde reporter informing the viewing public of an incident at City Hall.

"This is Vicki Vale for Gotham Live," the woman said, her voice strong and clear. "Twenty minutes ago, a large man broke through security and took the Mayor hostage. Police SWAT teams have surrounded the building and are certain no one has escaped the cordon they've placed around the area. All attempts at negotiation have failed, and it seems uncertain what the hostage taker wants as no demands have been made."

Behind the reporter, the front doors to the building were kicked off their hinges by a black boot, breaking them apart in a cloud of splinters and jagged fragments. Standing at the top of the stairs and holding the bound and gagged form of the Mayor with one hand was one of the most muscular men Joker and Harley had ever seen. One of the man's arms was wider than the width of the Mayor's entire body. A black mask with red over the eyes covered the man's face while the sleeves of his snug attire of all black were missing in order to better show off his physique.

"People of Gotham," the giant of a man began, a Hispanic accent present in his booming voice. "I have taken your Mayor and equipped him with a bomb."

The man's other hand raised, his thumb depressed on the red button of a control device squeezed in his large fist.

"If I release the trigger, he shall die," the man went on. His tone and stance were calm as if in complete control of the situation, totally disregarding the dozens of guns pointed in his direction by the Gotham police. "I suppose you have heard of a dead man's switch? I have placed other bombs around the city. If one goes, they all do. If one is tampered with, they all trigger. If my demands are not met, many people of Gotham shall die."

When a pause left the scene momentarily silent, a white haired man with a mustache, standing among the police, held up a megaphone and replied. "This is Commissioner Gordon. What do you want?"

"It is very simple, Commissioner," the giant shouted back. "I want Batman, broken and dead. He will come here and fight me for the future of Gotham. If he wins, he will save all of you, but if he fails, I will break him and take Gotham as my own. I am Bane!"

The big man identified as Bane carried the Mayor back inside while the reporter began talking again. Joker wasn't listening. His eyes narrowed as he looked to the wooden floorboards under the television.

Suddenly bolting toward the desk near the tall windows, Joker rummaged through the drawers until he found a notepad and pen. Quickly scribbling down instructions, he raced to the door and flung it open.

"Grab anyone not working security and find out everything you can about this," Joker ordered as he handed the note to one of the thugs standing watch in the hallway. Slamming the door, Joker jumped over the sofa to land beside Harley with his arm around her.

"Whatcha' thinking, Mr. J?" Harley asked.

"If Bane succeeds in luring out the Bat, we may get to see a good fight," Joker answered with his usual grin.

"Do you think B-man will show?" Harley questioned.

"I'm interested to find out," Joker replied. "Get the popcorn. This is going to be good."

"If Bane can take down Batman, who could stop him?" Harley prompted. "They'd have to be crazy to try."

Joker didn't answer; he simply smiled.

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