30 weeks

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The last 10 weeks have been difficult for mom and it's all my fault...well,technically it's hormones' fault but they are happening because of me so...you know.
Mom and Owen kept secretly fighting.
Mom is avoiding Link completely.
She is suffering a lot though. She always tells Maggie and Meredith that she loves Link and that she has not the courage to talk to him.
Link,who is a man I really like, tried multiple times to talk to mom but she run every time.
"Amelia!" It's Link,it's Dad!!
"No,you are not busy! Let's talk...please. Look at you,you look astonishing"
"I just look heavily pregnant,Link...it's unnecessary flattering me" mom answers
"Can we please give a try to...us?"
"And doing what? I don't know if you are the father Link and I don't want anybody around me for now. I'm just focused on him" mom explains- oh come on,mom...put your pride aside,I hear your heart beating faster when you are with him!
"Why can't we get a paternity test?" He asks
"You want to test my baby?! You are supposed to love me,no matter what! You said you loved me,Link!"
"You said the baby could be Owen's and forgive me if I'm afraid that if this human turns out to be his,Owen would want to be part of his life and maybe yours too" he says
"Owen wouldn't be a problem. He doesn't want me or the baby around him or Teddy. He has been pretty clear already" mom whispers
"Amelia,I love you...but I need answers. I agree with you when you say that it's not the genetics what makes you a good dad but...I just need to know"
"What if he turns out to be Owen's?" Mom asks
"I don't know...just...one step at a time".
Mom is deeply worried and I can feel it.
"Here...this is real" mom says and I feel a strong hand on me "he is here and I can't get how you can't love him anyway because I do...I love him unconditionally"
"Amelia...I love him,trust me...i I wouldn't be around if I didn't care. I just keep wondering if he is going to have my surname or only yours or Owen's"
"Is that really what matters for you?" Mom asks with a broken voice.
"When he will come I want to be there with you,holding you and seeing him being born and then maybe cut the cord and then sign the papers that will make him my son...what if Owen shows up?" He seems concerned...he got a point though here.
"Okay,let me make clarity here. I told Owen about him,the answer I got back has been 'you didn't want kids when we were together,now you just come to my doorstep ruining my life?'. This is what he said. Even if this is Owen's,he won't be around. Gotta go,by the way"
"Amelia,wait...." dad calls her
"Sorry,no time now"
Dad has probably tried to stop because suddenly she shouted "Link,go away. We're over".

Mom is having dinner with auntie Mer and Maggie
"I think I'm moving out from here!" She announces
"Now?" Mer asks
"Baby is almost here. I want a place for us,to start our life together"
"You will need help" Maggie states
"I know but I want a place I can call mine"
"This is your home, you know it. there is everything you need for your baby here" Mer says
"You are right but you know...it doesn't feel right. Maybe his dad would be part of his life too so..."
"So you talked with Link?" My aunt asks
"I broke up with him" mom explains sadly "but...if he will want to see him,the door would be always open" mom is sad too much not to cry
"Mimi...don't cry,it breaks my heart" Maggie says gently "we will be here or there if you want to move out. Mer and I will take turns to help you looking after him" and this causes my mom to cry even more
"I love him and he is...the only thing that makes sense in my life. I want to be just the two of us,together. I don't care about men or genetics or DNA or whatever. He is mine and this is all that matters" - aw mom,you are so sweet and I just can't wait to meet you.

Two weeks have passed and mom found a place for us. Tonight is our first night in our new house and I'm so excited kicking all over the places.
"Are you excited,baby Derek?" Mom asks softly "oh baby...how much I would love for you to be here already. I can't wait to hold you tight to my heart and smell your little head. I'm ready for whatever is going to happen. I'm not going to hide that I would love to have your dad here,with me,with you. I hope that you will understand someday that if I left dad is because he was not sure to want to be with us if you were not his. We need a man who is going to love us no matter what because my love,biology doesn't matter,love matters. I hope that my love is going to be enough for you. You know what? Sometimes,when I think about you my heart hurts for the amount of love I feel. And I know that when you will come,this love will grow even more. I felt this for you brother,Christopher. He is not here with us though...right after birth he flew away from me and he stole a part of my heart" and she is crying "but I know he is always here with me in spirit. And now,thinking that you are healthy and perfect and happy where you are sounds like a miracle to me." She is stroking her belly and I swear,she makes me feel safe and loved.
I don't know how she will look like but I bet is going to be beautiful,warm,safe,loving and...I don't know,just mom.
"Sleep tight,my beautiful angel" she says sweetly "if you feel lonely,kick me whenever you want to"
Oh mom,if you feel lonely,talk to me...whenever you want to.

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