20 weeks

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I'm consistently grown up now and ,if I shake my legs I cause my mom to giggle
"Be quiet in there,baby" she says to me laughing "mom is operating on a brain,I need my hands super steady" and I calm down,I mean I'm a very responsible boy and I don't want to bother my mom,yet.
Now I'm much more active and I'm more aware of what happens on the outside. Apparently my mom started showing a bit because everyone seems to enjoy very much patting my mom's belly baby-talking to me: how stupid. I can tell that mom hates it too, when they leave, mom always whispers "like they have never seen a pregnant lady. Get it together people"- I love her,I bet our life together will be so much fun.
"Okay,baby boy...let's go take a look at you" mom says touching softly her belly and as a response,I kick her gently. I love when she cuddles me and trust me,she spends a good amount of time during her day doing it.

"Carina...hi" mom says
"Amelia! How are you feeling?" The girl named Carina asks
"Pregnant" my mom laughs a little "I was wondering...do you have time to take a look at the baby?" She seems shy
"Of course,lay down!" This Carina seems very kind to mom,I like her "okay,let's see...do you want to know the sex?"
"Yeah...even if I have a feeling already"
"Really? What do you think it will be?" The woman asks
"Definitely a boy...let's see if my mom instinct is still here"
"Okay...here,look...it's definitely a boy" Carina says cheerfully
"Yes?" I hear from here my mom's heart beating a little faster and I don't know,I feel...safer,more than usual...I guess she is happy to know I'm a boy.
"But...you are more pregnant than expected...around 24 weeks"
"24 weeks....WHAT?! NO NO NO,because this could mean...NO" my mom is panicking "gotta go" she says quickly standing up and leaving the office.

"Dr Shepherd...your patient wants..." a man calls mom
"Not now,Schmitt...I'm going to make a call in my office and I'll be back. Give me an hour" she says quickly.
I hear a door locking and my mom's breathing getting faster "this is not going to happen...no,it can't..." she is crying now "Maggie...Maggie...please come to my office" I hear her voice shaking on the phone. After a few moments,Auntie Maggie comes in "AMELIA!!" She says hugging her "what's happening?"
"My baby...my baby..."
"Your baby what? Is it okay?" She seems concerned
"He is a boy,you know?" And saying this, mom seems genuinely happier "but,he could be...Owen's"- wait,WHAT? Who is this Owen?
"WHAT?" Thank you,auntie Maggie
"I'm at 24 weeks,as Carina said" mom explains trying to regain her control
"How do you want to do this?" Maggie asks "plus,deep breath. This is not good for the baby...deep breaths,Amelia"
"Yeah...sorry,baby boy" mom says stroking her belly. You are welcome,mom.
"Will you keep him?" Maggie suddenly asks
"WHAT?" Mom seems horrified "of course! He is my baby,I don't care about the genetics. He is mine" she says harshly "don't you dare asking me such things,Maggie! I'm his mother and this baby is mine,just mine" yep,I'm just yours mom.
"You have to talk to Link,though"
"Yes...I'll page him,here" she says with resolution.

Dad knocks on the door announcing himself with a sweet "I'm coming in". Probably when he got in, he saw mom crying because his first words are of concern "hey,what is happening? Is baby okay? Did you wake up knowing that I'm not going to be a good father?"
Mom sniffling says "Link,I'm 24 weeks pregnant...which means that you could not be the father" she spits out without taking a breath
"Are we talking about Owen right?" Why my father is this calm?! I mean,I'm freaking out and that is not me the one in trouble here!
"Yes" she says sadly "I'm sorry....I found out this morning and I'm...confused because...I love you and I love him and..."
"You said HIM?" Link asks
"It's a boy,yeah" mom answers and for a minute Link gets hit by emotions because he hugs mum so tight.
"Link...I think...we need time to process it...so we need to be alone for a while" mom says crying again
"Amelia,i don't need a blood test to know that I want to be in his life and in yours! I love you,both of you!" He says with pathos
"Link! STOP! I don't want you around! Not know...I have to figure out things" she says coldly even though I know she is dying inside,I can feel it. I hate to know her this sad,because of me.
"Okay...I think I'll go" dad says sadly

We are alone now,just the two of us and she is crying freely now. I want to make her feel better so I start kicking gently here and there
"Oh baby...how much I love you. It's going to be just the two of us. I love you too much,baby boy. I hate that I'm making you sad. I don't know what to do now...I'll have to talk to Owen and telling him that maybe he is going to be a dad again...now that he is happy with Teddy!"

"OWEN!wait..." mom calls this mysterious man named Owen "we need to talk"
"Can you call me tonight? Gotta go get Leo and Ally" he answers-so rude,I already dislike him
"Please,5 minutes" mom begs him
"I'm pregnant" she starts "I'm 24 weeks and he might be yours"
"You must be kidding me,Amelia" he almost screams
"You didn't want to have kids when we were married and now you show up at my doorstep telling me that you are pregnant?! You won't make Teddy sad,not again" he says in a mean tone
"I won't bother you...I just...wanted you to know" she says weakly "have a good night".
Mom is sad,more then before...dumb Owen to make her suffering this way "let's go home,little boy...don't mind what he said...we are together,this is all that matters...just you and I" she says but telling these words I hear a soft cry and I start kicking trying to cheer her up "I love you,thank you for not making me feel alone" she says to me.

"Amelia...eat something" I hear Maggie's voice
"Not hungry" but I'm starving in here
"Amelia...you have to eat...for him" my aunt continues
"Maggie...I'm tired,sad and angry at life,can you please let me be?!" Mom seems annoyed
"What's happening here?" It's auntie Mer
"Amelia doesn't want to eat" Maggie explains
"Eat,Melia...now" Meredith says "what is the problem?"
"WHAT IS THE PROBLEM?! I'm pregnant with a human I love more than life itself and do you want to know what the problem is?! He is probably Owen's. My ex husband,now engaged with perfect Teddy, who clearly said to not bother them about the baby could be his father so forgive me,if I'm not hungry" mom screams and then she starts crying. I kick kindly the make her feel my presence " and this baby is everything I've ever wanted in my life. He is...my life" she says crying even harder
"Okay...Amelia...today has been a long day,now you are going to take a shower,then we will eat something good,we can order in Thai...what do you think?! And then,we watch some of those terrible tv shows of super dumb models,okay?"
Mom sniffling says a shy "deal".

Mom is taking a bath and she keeps talking to me and this is a thing I love "baby,baby...don't worry. We are loved...maybe it will be just the two of us but your aunties are already in love with you. You will be safe,forever."
Oh mom,if you knew how much I love you....and I try to tickle her side to make her laugh.
"Your name will be Derek...like your uncle. A special name for a special human,indeed you are the man of my life"
Oh yes mom,and you are the woman of my life.

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