40 weeks

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HEY HEY HEY! What is happening here?! Everything is becoming smaller periodically and mom is moaning. Something is definitely happening and it looks like no fun!
"I think that baby is coming" I hear mom saying on the phone "Maggie,I need to go to the hospital" mom's voice is shaking even though she is trying to keep control of the situation.
So basically I'm coming,to use mom's words...which means I'm going to meet her! I'm excited now. I bet she will be exactly like I've imagined her. I have to be prepared for the big moment and taking a look around me I conclude that I'm disgusting with these white thing on my skin! What the hell is that? Carina called it vernix,if I'm not wrong...but no matter how you call it,it's disgusting anyway.
Here we go again,I'm super compressed right now and I start kicking-MOM!! WHAT IS HAPPENING?!
"I'm sorry baby,hang in there" I hear her whispering breathlessly
"Mimi!" It's Maggie "baby Derek is coming" she says with excitement
"And I'm alone doing this...again" mom is crying. I forgot to mention that mom did the test and Link is my dad for real but she didn't tell him because after their fight he is not returning her calls anymore.
"And I'm scared to death of doing this alone"
"I'm going to be with you for  the entire time" Maggie says stroking mom's belly "breath,contraction is coming" my aunt says to mom
"It hurts like hell" mom says weakly
"Yeah...but think that in a few hours you will meet him. The greatest love of your life" and I feel mom's hand on me. I would recognize her touch among billions "the only man I will ever love for the rest of my existence" she says sweetly. From my spot here I have the privilege to know exactly how she feels about everything: when she talks about me I feel a sort of warmth pervading her body,when she talks about dad her heart starts pounding louder.

I don't know how much time have passed,I just know that those contractions are making me and mom very uncomfortable.
"I can't do this" mom says sadly
"You are doing this" Carina says kindly
"It hurts too much"
"Focus on the goal" Maggie says "how do you imagine him?"
"My sweet boy...with blue eyes and blonde hair. My lips and nose. Link's eyes though and I hope he will be as gentle as his dad. Even though I can't have him in my life,I will have the best part of him forever" mom seems so in love,with me and with dad.

Mom is currently screaming and crying at the same time. I'm sorry I'm hurting her but I promise I will make it up for this when I'll come.
"I need Link...someone call Link,please" mom begs
"Please... he won't say no to him. Maybe he won't care about me but I'm not going to take away from him this moment" mom says with resolution
"Link,it's Maggie...let me talk: Amelia is in labour, baby is coming. She needs you,Link. I know she is bossy and stubborn and everything but she is also the mother of your child."
And then I hear mom's voice "Link...Link...I need you...and I love you. But if I have to bring this human to the world,I need you here by my side" mom is now interrupted by a contraction but with the little breath she has left she says to him "I love you...and it's painful loving someone who doesn't want you anymore,especially when you have to give birth to a baby you made with said person. I need you to be the first person to welcome our son into this crazy world...please Link...if you ever loved me...please. I don't care about me...if you think we are over,that's okay...it's not the first heartbreak in my life...but this is not his fault: he needs you here,he needs his dad's hug".

Mom is still moaning in pain trying to breath in and out but a very big contraction hits us causing her to scream and me to be squeezed super tightly.
"I need Link...I need Link" she keeps repeating in tears
"I'M HERE" dad is here and I can finally help a little more my mom,I did my best to wait for him.
"You are here?!" Mom seems so surprised "I'm sorry,Link...for everything I've done. I did the test and he is...yours. He is ours. DNA and everything" she says sweetly,emotions are taking her powerfully "and I love you" she finishes
I hear him kissing her "let's have our baby" he says in a whisper
"Okay Amelia,when you feel like pushing,do it" Carina announces and I really don't know what this means. I feel like I'm falling,this is the feeling. Mom is still screaming.
"Okay baby,let's help mom a little...good boy" Carina says and I feel for the first time hands on my skin-weird feeling.
"One last push,Amelia...he is coming" Carina says "scream,if you need to. Your baby is coming".
Am I really coming to the world? Hey,I'm going to meet mom!! All of a sudden,my eyes get hit by an intense light-what the hell is this!! It's annoying and my lungs starts expanding causing me a huge pain. I start crying as loud as I can,to let them know my disappointment.
"Here he is" Carina says and she puts me on something super warm. I don't know where I am until I feel that touch on my skin: my mom's touch and I instantly open my eyes. There she is,looking at me,smiling at me through the tears. She is so beautiful and so warm. I feel super safe where I am now.
"Hi baby" she whisper to me kissing the top of my head and her lips on me cause me to grasp tightly her skin to let her know that I appreciate all this love. I'm on my mom's chest and I hear clearly her heart beating faster and her heavy breathing.
I'm savoring this moment even though I want to look at her a little more so I start staring at her: she looks...happy,I think. She is there,eyes closed and a soft smile on her face,tears rolling down her cheeks. And than she looks at me again "hi my love"
I would love to answer the same thing but I can't so I try to smile "you are smiling to me?! Yeah?!" She says softly "love of my life" she says holding me a little higher on her chest so I can put my head on her neck. In all of this,where is my father? Oh,there...he is crying,on a chair,signing papers- do you really have to it now,daddy?
Carina takes my arm "okay little bubba,let's put this on: baby Derek Ryan Shepherd Lincoln,welcome to the world".
I'm super tired right now so I close my eyes for a while drifting to sleep and my mom does the same.
When I wake up I'm no longer on my mom which is definitely not a good thing. Oh hi,dad...you stole me from mom huh?!
"Hi buddy...do you know that you are beautiful? Yes?" And I giggle "I love you,Derek...and I love your mom too. Look who is awake! Do you want to go back to her?" And I giggle while he places me between my mom's arms.
"Hey Der...look how cute you are" she whispers to me "are you hungry? Yes? Okay...let me feed you" she says offering me her breasts. While I'm eating I look at her and she looks at me too,she seems in awe.
"I love you" she keeps saying to me stroking my cheeks and holding my hand gently. I really love her too,I mean...I hurt her but she doesn't care,she adores me as much as I adore her.
"Link?" She calls dad "will you forgive me?" She asks getting emotional
"Oh Amelia...I've never been angry at you" he says holding her
"Really Link,I'm sorry...I took you away the pregnancy and almost his birth. I don't deserve this much" she says looking at me "look at him. Look at the perfection of what we made" she says mesmerized.

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