Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Harry hurry up!" I said getting frustrated with harry "come on, you take forever to get your stuff" He was still getting all of his bags out of the car, it looked like he packed for 3 years! "I'm going as fast as I can," he said.

When harry finally got all his onto a trolley. We went inside to check in and get our tickets for our flight. Harry did all the boring stuff like checking in, putting our bags through and stuff like that. I think he was even trying to flirt with the really pretty girl at the desk. Of course harry would be flirting with her. I looked down at my plane ticket to see where we were going first "Omg! We're going to Australia!" I screamed out of excitement drawing most of the people in the airports attention towards me. I had never been to Australia before, Harry has told me so much about Australia because of his first tour, this is the second tour, but by what harry has told me Australia sounds amazing. I have always wanted to go since Harry came back from his tour, it just seemed so different. I was so excited now. We walked past the front desk, Harry dropped his bags and ran off "Louis!" He screamed. I soon figured out he spotted Louis; he was also standing with a beautiful young girl. I slowly walked over and stood their quietly

"oh ermm.. Louis this is my sister, Sophie" harry introduced me.

"Oh so you're the Sophie I hear so much about" Louis said holding his hand out for me to shake.

"oh and this is Eleanor, my girlfriend" he introduced the beautiful looking girl standing next to him

"nice to meet you both" I smiled and shook both their hands.

"So where are the other lads?" harry questioned, everyone looked around for the others but they were no where to be seen.

"why don't we go wait for them at the gate?" I suggested and everyone nodded in agreement. So we headed towards our gate. We walked to our allocated gate, dragging our entire luggage behind us.

We arrived at the gate and we sat and waited for the others. After about 20 mins of waiting for the others. Louis and Harry jumped from their seats and ran towards to people, I wasn't to sure who they were though. One of the guys was a little bit shorter than the others, he also had blonde hair. The other boy had short brown hair and was slightly taller. All four boys started in my direction "Sophie, this is Niall and Liam" Harry introduced. "Hi, its nice to finally meet you" Niall said, with his beautiful Irish accent. "Nice to finally meet you to" I smiled back and shook both there hands. "Where's Zayn?" Liam questioned. I'm guessing Zayn is the finale member, "I don't know, he's suppose to be here" Harry said "speak of the devil" Louis said as someone was running towards all of us, I'm guessing it was Zayn " Zayn. Hurry up!" Liam yelled. We all finally boarded the plane and started for our 26 our flight to Australia.

I was sitting next to Zayn, Louis and Harry were sitting together and Liam was sitting with Niall. "I'm really bored" I stated, Zayn turned to me and giggled "Same it does get boring" He replied, as he started to go through his bag "Want to watch a film?" he asked, pulling out his laptop. I nodded, as he started to go through his movie list on his computer "What do you want to watch?" he asked, looking me in the eyes. "I don't mind, Why don't you choose?" I said more as a question, he nodded and looked through his list once again. "What about Freedom Writers?" He asked " Its my favourite movie ever!" He exclaimed, I nodded in agreement. Zayn then opened the move, and we started watching it.

♥ ♥ ♥

After the movie finished, Louis asked if anyone wanted to play a game. So of course I agreed to play a game seeing I had nothing better to do. "So what do you want to play?" Louis asked , I just shrugged "Why don't we play charades?" I suggested, everyone nodded and started to play. "Harry why don't you go first?" Liam suggested, Harry sighed and stood up, he thought for a moment before he started to act out something. I couldn't figure out what he was doing but all the other boys seemed to know what he was doing as they all yelled out answers continuously. It took about half an hour to figure out that he was trying to act out the movie 'jaws'. I didn't really pay attention to the rest of the game " Guys I'm going to go back to my seat, but you can still play if you want." I announced to everyone but no one seemed to notice, as everyone was concentrating on the game so much. I soon reached my seat and sat down. I could feel my eyes getting heavy, and before I knew it I was in a dreamless slumber.

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(*Harry's POV*)

I just finished acting out the movie 'Jaws' that Liam guessed right. " Guys I'm going to go back to my seat, but you can still play if you want." Sophie told everyone but no one notice but me, everyone was too interested in the game to listen to her. She got up and went back to her seat. After about 15 mins I got up and made my way over to Sophie's seat to check on her. She was asleep when I got over there. I was feeling a little tired my self so I sat down next to her and fell into a deep sleep.

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"Harry we're here " Someone whispered in my ear, shaking me slightly to bring me out of my deep sleep. "Harry we have to get off the plane now, we're here" I opened my eyes to see Sophie smiling down at me. "What time is it?" I said groggily, rubbing my eyes." It 11:00 am here in Australia, Now you have to get off the plane". I stood up slowly still half asleep; Sophie and I grabbed our bags and walked off the plane to meet with the others. "Holy crap!"

A/N: Hope your all enjoying it, this chapter is really crap but its just a filler, chapter 3 coming soon hopefully, Fan, comment, vote - Carly x

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