His Private Checkup

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You wouldn't have let me into your house

You wouldn't have let me into your house

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If you didn't want something more

   "I heard what you did for Oscar," Jamal said from the medical bed, his hands behind his head as he looked up at the ceiling with a sigh. He was faking yet another headache to get out of football practice, but Angel didn't mind, she enjoyed his company.

   "How? Who else knows?" Angel said, turning to look at him. If people knew about what she had done, she could lose her job and reputation for helping a possible criminal.

   "Don't stress, nurse Cielo, your secret's safe with me," he said, only to dramatically look away in shame. "No it's not. I couldn't keep a secret if my life depended on it. But don't worry, everyone I would even think about telling already knows and they're not going to say anything."

   "Who knows, Jamal?" Angel said.

   "Well, I'm not supposed to say... Okay fine, it's Ruby, Monse, and Jasmin."

   "I could get into some serious trouble if anything gets out."

   "We won't say a word," he crossed his heart. "Is it true the Santos owe you a favor now?"

   "I think so," Angel sighed.

   "What are you going to ask for?"

   "I don't know, nothing?"

   "What?!" Jamal exclaimed, sitting up in bed. "You have to ask for something! It would be wrong not to ask!"

   "Hm, maybe I'll ask them to never come to my house again."

   "Oh, you can't do that," Jamal said, laying back down into bed. Angel raised an eyebrow at him just as the bell rang. "Gotta go, thanks nurse Cielo," he jumped off the bed and towards the door.

   "Why can't I ask that?" Angel called after him.

   "Oscar's coming for a checkup!" Jamal said, hurrying out the door. Angel just stared at the door in shock. She thought Oscar had been joking about the checkup.

   When Angel returned home from work, she spent a couple of hours cleaning the house and making it spotless. Why? She had no idea, but something about his possible visit made her excited, it made her want to impress him. She even bought groceries to make dinner. She never made dinner.

   "What are you doing?" Olivia asked, watching Angel as she ran around frantically spraying Fabreeze around the house. She was already dressed in her scrubs which was a good thing, it meant she was going to work soon.

   "Me?" Angel froze and tossed the can of Fabreeze aside. "Nothing." She didn't want to tell Olivia about Oscar's visit, not if she didn't have to know. Besides, if she knew, Angel wouldn't hear the end of it, especially not after what happened that night.

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