What I want

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Author's note: Sorry I haven't been updating lately.


Aladdin's POV

'I want to see everyone' I think.

I have been staying in the Kou empire for awhile now. Even though they might be mad, I want to see them.

I was in Judal's room, sitting on the bed when the door opened and Judal walked in carrying peaches.

"Judal", I said getting his attention.

"What?" He asked.

"I want to see Alibaba and everyone",I answered.

Judal looked at me for a moment and sighed.

"Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded.

"Okay I'll talk to Kouen and Sinbad see what they have to say about having them come here" He explained.

I couldn't help but smile and hug him.

"Thanks Judal" I said.

He just nodded and left the room again.

I sat there on the bed thinking on what I would say to everyone. I felt nervous on what they would say when they saw me. But after all these years he finally got to see them again. After he got to talk to they he would have to see if there's a way to get himself out of depravity. The only thing is I don't want to talk about what happened. It was just to lonely for me.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Aladdin, it's me Ja'far, can I come in?" A familiar voice asked.

"Yes you can come in Ja'far" I answered back.

The door opened and Ja'far stepped in and shut the door.


Sorry it's so short and I haven't been updating.

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