Egg Artifacts

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After we fled from the now destroyed drill, we retreated back to the lair. As I was sitting down on the chair, I kept eyeing on the supposedly egg object on Donnie's lab table. I kept making weird looks to see what was inside of that egg. But as I watched it, I kept feeling weird inside me. I know I wasn't hungry or in pain, but it was something.

I got up from the chair and got closer and closer to the egg. As I reached out to touch the egg, it glowed that same light red aura again. "Mother of Ariel!" I jumped back a bit and the glowing stopped after a split second.

"What's going on here?" Donnie entered.

"That egg was glowing."

"Really? Did it glow? How?" Donnie examines it.

"I don't know. When I reached out to touch it, the light is revealed."

"Huh. Interesting." he said as he wrote down some notes. "Maybe you should call your big sister and she can see what this could mean."

"Okay. I'll call her now." I said as I took out my T-Phone and dialed her number down. I put it up to my ear and listened to her pick up her phone. "Come on, pick up sis."

"Hello, Rachel's residence." a voice I know spoke to me

⭐️ Name: Rachel Georgia⭐️ Age: 23 🐺🕊⭐️ Role: Discovery Genius⭐️ Relationship: A secret

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⭐️ Name: Rachel Georgia
⭐️ Age: 23 🐺🕊
⭐️ Role: Discovery Genius
⭐️ Relationship: A secret

"Hey sis."

"Little sister, how are you?" she cheerfully asked me.

"Not so well. The guys and I need your help with something about an egg."

"Oh, well what type of egg is it? Where did you find it? There's so many possibilities what it is." she started asking questions to me.

"Whoa whoa. Take it easy sis, I'll just describe it to you. It's small and blue, with a small red dot in the middle, and surrounded by tiny yellow dots circling around the red one." I said.

"That sounds like the legendary Manaphy egg if I do say so myself."

"Manaphy egg?"

"Yes, but I would have to see it specifically. Is it warm, is it cold? Do I need to come over see it?" she kept asking me questions and it was getting on my nerves.

"Enough!" I said as I took a deep breath shakily. "W-Well, it glows red whenever I touch it so... p-please come over here ASAP cause I'm getting a bit freaked out. Donnie's trying so hard not to dissect it."

"What? No I'm not!" Donnie said as he hid a scalpel behind his shell.

"He better not touch it or else he's going to get a big whooping from me. All right sis, just calm down and keep an eye on that egg. I'm on my way." Rachel said as she hung up the phone.

I put my phone away and looked over at Donnie. "Donnie, my sister's coming over. So be on your best behavior."

"W-What, she is?" he said with his face all flushed.

"If you try to dissect that Manaphy egg, I'll tell her your secret." I smirked a little.

Donnie gasped. "You wouldn't!"

"Try me. Player." I laughed a bit.

A while later, I saw my big sister entering into the lair. She was talking to Aika.

"Hey Rachel, did you come to visit us?" she asked her.

"No I wish I was, but I'm just here to help Aqua with something."

"With that egg she found?"

"Yes. I also have another discovery to look at on the other side of town when I'm all finished here." Rach responded back to her.

"That's neat." Aika smiled.

After their conversation was over, I ran to my elder sibling. "Big sis! I'm so glad you're here, and I really need your help." I said as I hugged her.

"Whoa hey sis, take it easy. I have work with me and I'm going to drop it. It's in my tail fur." she said as she pulled away from the hug. "Now where's the egg?"

"In the lab."

Donnie came out of the lab and he looked pretty dumbfounded. "That egg is glowing like crazy... Oh, hi Rach." He said as his flushed expression returned to him.

"Hey Donnie." she smiled and looked back at me. "While I'm working, can you keep an eye on these other eggs?" she said as she took out a tray with 6 different eggs.

"Holy shrimp. Okay sis." I said as I go with her while holding the tray with the eggs on it. As I placed them down on the table, I watched a Rach and Don with the mysterious water egg.

"So where did you find this egg?"

"We don't know where it came from exactly, Aqua found it first. But she said that the Shredder was after it." Donnie answered the question.

"Interesting..." Rachel smiled as she was throwing on one of Donnie's lab coats on and puts on a pair of gloves.

"What are you going to do sis?" I asked her.

"I'm going to weight it." she said as she slowly picks up the egg. "Wow, it's squishy. Like a stress ball."

"Fascinating." Donnie smiled as he looked at her with admiration.

After she puts the egg on the scale, the readings showed that it was 3.1 lbs. "Wow. That's not a heavy egg. It's lighter than my normal eggs on the tray."

"You mean like the eggs Aqua's watching for you?"

"Yes." she took out a ruler and measured the egg's height. "Okay, 1'00 inches. So it's not too big. I think it'll stay the same height after it hatches."

"After what hatches?"

"The creature inside of this egg."

"During the phone call, you said it was a Manaphy egg. Right?"

"Right. And I think it chose Aqua to be its chosen one."

"What?" I gasped a bit. This was crazy! Manaphy chose me as its chosen one, and I still have no idea what it looks like. This was too much for me, so I went to the couch and started contemplating to myself. This was a mess I got involved in and I wasn't sure what I was in for. Hopefully this'll all be over soon.

⭐️ To be continued...

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