Chapter six: Goalpost

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Chapter six: Goalpost (Faith's POV)

Lunch rolled around and I got my food before heading out to the field where I met Hayley. I haven't had any classes with her today so far which means she's heard things and I am about to get grilled. 

"Hey," I played it off. 

"What the hell is this that I'm hearing? You're going out with Alex?!" she interrogated. 

"Well uh- what exactly did you hear?" I asked. 

"He asked if he could sit with you in lunch and you said yes, he asked if he could walk you to class and you said no, he asked you on a date and low and behold, you said yes!" she hissed. 

"That last one is not true." I took a bite out of my sandwich while sitting down. 

"But the first two are?!" she questioned.

"Hey," two voices came up. We looked up to see Daniel and Alex standing there. 

"Hi," I squinted up at them since the sun was shining bright. Alex shifted and blocked the sun. 

"Can we join?" Daniel asked. 

"Sure," I shrugged. Alex sat down beside me and Daniel sat with Hayley. "Can I tell her?" I whispered to Alex while Daniel and Hayley got busy in their conversation. Alex didn't answer, he just shrugged. "Are you gonna tell him?" I questioned. He just shrugged again. "Can you talk?" I hissed. 

"I'll tell him if you want to tell her because clearly if one knows, the other will too," he sighed. 

"See, that wasn't so hard," I smiled before rolling my eyes at him. 

"You know, for liking me you are a little too sassy," he said. 

"Well, for being the guy I like, you are a little too annoying," I replied. 

"Please," he scoffed. I just rolled my eyes again and went onto my phone. I was scrolling through my social media when I got a text. From Cody. 'Can I meet you by the cafeteria right now?' 

Should I go? 

"I'm coming with," Alex mumbled while standing up. "Let's go," he put his hand out for me to take. 

"Where are you guys going?" Hayley asked while Alex pulled me up. 

"We have to grab some stuff for our uh- biology project." I quickly lied before beginning to walk with Alex. 

"What is up with you and using biology as an excuse all the time?" he chuckled. 

"It's an easy excuse," I shrugged. We were walking in a comfortable silence until I noticed our hands were still linked and then I stiffened and got all weird. 

"You can let go if you're feeling uncomfortable, you know," he chuckled. 

"O-Okay, thanks." I quickly pulled away as we reached the corner. 

"I'll be here and just call me if you need help, okay?" he asked. 

"Um- how exactly am I supposed to call you?" I questioned. 

"When you tell him you're talking to someone right now, make sure you say my name and I'll be there on cue," he shrugged. Okay, that's not too bad. I nodded and turned the corner, leaving him there. 

"Hi," Cody met me in the middle. 

"Hi," I replied. "You wanted to talk?" I asked awkwardly. I hate this. 

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