Chapter thirty-one: Distance

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Chapter thirty-one: Distance (Faith's POV)

"Faith, are you crazy?!" Hayley shrieked. 

We were currently paused at a McDonald's to get some breakfast because what else could be healthier than a happy meal? I could use one of those. 

"Can you keep your voice down? What did I do?" I asked her, leaning my elbows on the table while the guys went to get us food. 

"You didn't say it back?!" she freaked out. 

"Say it louder, won't you? Make sure he knows we're talking about him," I said sarcastically. 

"Why didn't you say it back?" she questioned. 

"Because I'd be lying if I said it back," I lied. 

"Bullshit, Faith," she groaned, kicking her legs around restlessly. So mature she is. 

"Have you seen the way he looks at you?" she sighed. 

"No?" I said questioningly. 

"Faith, he didn't just say it. He's in love with you, I've never seen you this happy with someone and I've never seen someone treat you so good. How don't you love him?" she interrogated. 

"I do," I sighed in defeat. "What if I say it and he leaves because he knows I'm not going anywhere?" I mumbled to myself. 

"What if you don't say it and he leaves because he thinks he did something wrong or there's something wrong with him?" she arched an eyebrow at me. 

"He said he won't," I replied. 

"Even when you break his heart?" she gave me a pointed look. 

I sighed while contemplating what to do next. 

What the hell am I supposed to do? 

"You might just not be ready to say it, Faith. Give it a little time but just keep in mind that time does run out and it doesn't wait for people, even though he might," she suggested. 

"Do you think we should keep some distance?" I questioned hesitantly. "Just for a while?" 

That's what I was gonna do.

The guys came back with our food and we quickly shut up and acted like we weren't talking about them. It was no secret that we were and they definitely knew that. 

Alex came and sat beside me and I felt my body stiffen under his gaze. I felt him staring at me while I refused to look up at him before he sighed in defeat and slid the food tray over to me. "There ya go," he huffed. 

Maybe a little distance will be good. At least that way I won't piss him off and upset him any more than I already have. 

I sighed before sliding the tray in between us and taking some fries while he took his food. We all ate in a very awkward silence. Very awkward silence, while Daniel and Hayley whispered. 

"Faith, can I talk to you?" Daniel spoke up. 

"Um- yeah sure," I replied hesitantly before sliding out of my seat and following him to a different table. 

"What the hell is going on?" he sighed while we sat down. 

"Huh?" I thought out loud. 

"What happened between you two? You both seem so- blah," he threw his arms up. 

"Nothing happened," I lied while shrugging. 

"Faith," he deadpanned. 

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