Thank you!

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I just wanted to thank everyone one more time for reading this book, appreciating it, voting on it, commenting on it. 

To everyone who read this, thank you.

I cut it short but I had really bad writer's block for this book, I don't know what it was but something was just not letting me write this one properly. 

I tried my best and I've finished it.

I loved writing a fluffy book that is pretty much all fluff and no angst but I don't know when I'll be doing that again, I think a little more angst is necessary for me to write longer books but hey, you'll get fluff.

I loved building the relationship between them and writing those cute moments even though they made me feel single as shiit. 

I think every girl deserves an Alex, he was such a pure character, I have no idea how a dumbass like me came up with such a cutie but hey, you're welcome.

I'll have a new book up soon and until then, love you all, stay safe, and stay home bro, fuck coronavirus!!!

- Nikki <3

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