Chapter forty-four: Not my money

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Chapter forty-four: Not my money (Alex's POV)

We were back home now and I was packing my things from Faith's house to go back to mine. The front door opened and we looked at each other in confusion. No one's supposed to come home right now. We went downstairs to see her mom entering. 

"Hey, what happened? How come you're home?" Faith asked while we went down. 

"School's closed." 


"Cody and some of his friends decided to vandalize the property last night. He left this morning before we could catch him. All the others are suspended and now we need time to repair the school." 

Faith and I looked at each other in disbelief. "What did he do to the property?" I questioned. 

"Broken doors, windows, spray painting, used a hammer, a freaking machete, I don't know," she mumbled. 

"How long will it take, mom?" Faith asked while handing her mom a glass of water. 

"It could take over a while. He didn't leave a single classroom. And my office? Don't even get me started." She shook her head. "We're going to go floor by floor, it's like we have to rebuild the damn building all over again." She sighed, "Well, everyone's getting another vacation. Including your father and I. I've instructed and hired the people. We're going to Hawaii," she said to Faith. 

"Glad I was invited," Faith said sarcastically. 

"You can stay with someone else or have someone else stay over if you want, honey." 

I asked, "Can she stay at mine?" I questioned. 

"Of course," she shrugged. 

"Okay! I'm going to pack!" Faith cheered before sprinting back upstairs. 

"I'm sorry about the damage, Mrs. Hughes," I sighed. 

"Please, call me Monica. And who gives a shit? It's not my money," she shrugged while grabbing a bottle of wine. "Take care of her. Have fun, you two." She poured herself a glass and went into her room. 

I laughed and went up to Faith's room. "Are we gonna go anywhere?" she raised her brows at me. 

"Well, where do you wanna go?" I asked while lying on her bed. 

"I don't know, we'll figure it out," she shrugged. 


"Bye!" we waved to Faith's parents. "Let's go!" she jumped excitedly before pouncing onto my back. 

"What are you so excited about? You've stayed the night at mine before," I laughed. 

"Don't ruin the moment!" she nearly growled. I chuckled while walking over to my front door and opening the door to my parents making dinner. 

She hopped off and straightened out her shirt. "Hi," she cleared her throat awkwardly. 

"Would you like some dinner?" my mom chuckled. 

"Sure, I'll just put my bag upstairs and be right back," she nodded. 

"Come on," I led her up to my room. I put her bag in front of my closet and pulled her back before she could go downstairs. "What side do you want?" I asked while smirking down at her. 

"Your side," she whispered with a smirk. 

"Hmm, is that so?" I smirked. 

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