Chapter 1: New Moon

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One radiant day the three Lunar siblings are having a peaceful lunch by the eden garden, located in the middle of their castle. The youngest of the three, Eli approached his sister curiously and asked her.

"Aren't you nervous, sister?" The young prince titled his head to match her view, while she sipped her jasmine tea

"Nervous?" The young princess blinked at her little brother, trying to analyze what her little sibling meant,"In marriage you mean, not at all, we are here to protect our people and this is one of our duties as royals."

"But you do not know this person!" The young prince exclaimed,"What if you do not like him, like---like he smells!"

"Goodness, Eli." The young princess giggled at his young overprotective little brother,"Even though I do not like such a man, I must fulfill my responsibility as the princess of our kingdom and you on the other hand you should be wary of what you say, Understood?"

"Mhm kay!" The little prince nodded. He was about to remove his veil and golden locks when the Lunar Princess stopped him

"Eli, You know the rules, the Lunar Royals must always wear their golden veil and golden locks everywhere we go. Our eyes must always be hidden away from every living creature that roamed around Anima." The Lunar Princess explained

In their tradition, The Lunar Royals always have their veil, covering their head and a golden blindfold around their eyes. It is their strict rule to never show their sapphire eyes unless you are someone they trust or hold deeply in their heart. It is one of the greatest mysteries in Anima as to why the Lunar Royals hold such power inside those sapphire orbs and only the Lunar King knows how to use it to its full capacity.


Time went by, The Pharaoh often visited the Lunar King for their affiliations and brought his only son, Naib, to interact with the Lunar siblings and to also further his studies about politics, etiquette, culture and literature that the Lunar Kingdom has. Naib became very close with the Lunar King's children, especially Eli, the youngest Lunar Prince. They often play together, Eli is 5 years younger than Naib yet they still find it very comfortable to be with each other.

One day, Ellina found a wounded owl and took it home. Eli and Naib were worried and took great care of the wounded owl, nursing it back to health.

"I wonder what will we name this owl?" Eli kept his eyes intact on the black owl that perched on his shoulder, while nuzzling it's feathers.

"I wonder too..." Naib also kept his eyes on the owl, rocking back in forth in his chair

"He's a fluffy black owl, So~" Eli fidgets his chin and a huge grin appeared on his lips,"Blacky! Or! Or! Or! FURRY! Furry balls!" the Lunar Prince happily bounce after naming the owl with a peculiar nickname, the owl made a little leap on his shoulders and land on him again

"What a dumb name" Naib hissed

"Hey! The name Furry Balls is cute!" Eli pouted, lifting his hand on his hips

"Like me?" Naib gave Eli playful smirk

"NO! Like me!" Eli retaliated

The little chestnut haired boy can't help but to find this Lunar Prince adorable when he does that pouty face and blunt remarks, he chuckled,"Yeah, You're cute Eli"

The Lunar Prince had his sapphire eyes wide open behind his golden locks and blinked a couple of times, his cheeks were tainted pink from Naib's remarks, he shyly tapped his fingers together and spoke,"Erm... Y-yeah... You're cu-cute too... N-naib"

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