Chapter 2: Crescent Moon

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Those words from the Musician was still a mystery to the Lunar Prince. He sacrificed his freedom for his people. He shook his head, still confused how did Naib do that and why would he do that? Maharlika Kingdom is a powerful kingdom already. Eli studied their culture and livelihood, they are rich in agriculture and have lots of wise scholars plus their military was their strongest card, how come he needed to sacrifice his freedom for his kingdom and to whom did he sacrifice it too? What was Naib thinking? Eli can't help but to feel perplexed and asked the Exorcist for his assistance

"Sacrificing someone's freedom?" The Exorcist tilted his head in confusion, why would the Lunar Prince be interested in such, his actions are already restricted by the Duke. Don't he want to be free from the chains of captivity? or maybe he has a vile intention against the Duke---No---that can't be, the Lunar Prince is a kind soul, he would not do such a thing,"I know nothing of it." He replied bluntly, It is true, he didn't know anything about it or if it's possible it must have something to do with a greater power.

"I see... Do you think some ancient text might give us some answers?" The Lunar Prince continued to seek an answer. He remembered reading the letter that Naib gave him, through his pet owl, Luz.

To My Dearest Lunar Prince,

Forgive me that I could not attend your wedding or any moment after that, I am restricted inside the Kingdom of Maharlika, I do not know if I will be able to visit you in Lumina someday but you are welcome in my kingdom anytime you want, I wish to see you once more.

I regret the day that I did not have the power to save you and even promised you that I will save you but look at me now, I still am powerless to do so, I do hope that you will forgive me someday, I wanted to be with you, to embrace you in my arms, to love you properly and forever more. You may not believe my words but there is not a day I do not think of you... I cannot say much but I do hope that you find the happiness that you seek and I pray to the goddess that we will be reunited someday and perhaps if that day will come, I will take you somewhere far away from here, away from all our worries and fears.

Take care, Eli. I'm always here for you, watching and thinking of you

From your beloved old friend, Naib Subedar

The Lunar Prince was still confused by the feelings the Pharaoh had for him but he sensed great sadness in his letter. I do pray for the same, Naib. The Exorcist noticed the mournful expression in the presence of the Prince, when the prince took notice of the exorcist concern, he smiled at him, It signaled the Exorcist not to bother asking what he was thinking and changed the subject.

"The library does have a context that may help you find the answers that you seek, shall we visit once again?" To be honest the Exorcist is quite curious about the Lunar Prince's intention that is why he tends to cautiously follow him instead of asking him.

Once again, they both headed to the library looking for books that might give them an intel about the Pharaoh's sacrifice, the Lunar Prince stumbled in one of the ancient books, the lore of their world Anima. The story of how the goddess blessed mankind with the power of the crystals, unfortunately for Eli, he knew it existed but he never saw it once, he only knew that their Kingdom protects the Sun Crystal and that's it, The origin and the power it holds was not something they have taught him. Upon reading more about it, He was quite surprised of what the Sun Crystal could do

"I didn't know the Sun Crystal can bless people" The Lunar Prince was very intrigued in reading the crystal's context, The Exorcist on the other hand was surprised, the Lunar Prince was living in Lumina for his entire life yet he do not know such a thing, Is he really that ignorant of his Kingdom's secrets. How pitiful. Even if Aesop grew up at small countryside, Yuma, of the Kingdom of Entity, he at least knows about their political affairs, origin, the Star Crystal's power and many more about his kingdom and for this Lunar Prince to know nothing about Lumina made him curious, Why would the Lunar Royal did not teach the Lunar Prince about their origin?

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