Gunmar x human reader

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All my life, it's been normal, just school, home and other stuff, but one person, or should I say one creature changed my life, and that one creature is named: Gunmar the Black. He layed in a nest I made for him, right next to my bed. He was asleep. I sat next to the nest, with my back against the wall. My legs were crossed. Soon, Gunmar's growl broke the silence, I petted his mane and soon, he woke up with a growl. I stopped and I looked on the ground. Gunmar looked at me and asked, "Is there something wrong, (Y/N)?" I replied, "No, nothing's wrong." Gunmar looked at me with concern in his blue eye. It's been a week since this guy called, "The Trollhunter" had defeated Gunmar and have taken away his strength and power. Gunmar came inside my garage once and I have had helped him, and kept him a secret from my parents and others, so he wouldn't get hurt. I broke from my thoughts, as I felt a paw on my arm. Gunmar was rubbing my arm and said, "Why are you so quiet, child?" I replied, "I'm just thinking." Gunmar asked once more, "About what?" I replied, "When you told me about this Trollhunter and how we met." Gunmar nodded slowly and came a bit closer to me. I flinched as he came closer. Once Gunmar was closer to me, he sniffed my (H/C) hair and sighed. He said, "You smell so good tonight, (Y/N)." I blushed a little and he smiled at me. My parents finally came home and I heard their footsteps. Gunmar heard it to, and we both started to worry. My mom came to my bedroom door and knocked, then she asked, "Y/N, honey! You ok in there?" Before I ran to the door, I looked at Gunmar and he looked at me with fear in his eye, so, I putted my hand on his cheek and putted my free hand's finger on my lips, "Shh" I hushed. Then I ran to the door and replied, "Yeah, mom, I'm perfectly fine." Mom replied, "Ok, just making sure, hon." I heard mom's footsteps walking away and I sighed and relaxed. Gunmar did the same thing and said, "That was close." I chuckled a little and said, "Yeah, it was." Gunmar went back into his nest and layed his head down on his arms. I went to sit by his nest once more. I asked him, "Gunmar?" Gunmar looked right at me and replied, "Yes?" I asked again, " What did woke you up?" Gunmar sighed a sad sigh and replied, "Nothing." I noticed he was lying and said, "No, something must have woke you up, so please tell me." Gunmar sighed and finally said, "Alright. I dreamed about my mate and my son." I stared at him. He told me he lost his mate, his wife, centuries ago and then, he lost his son to the Trollhunter. It made me cry a little when he first told me. It was so sad, just to imagine losing your entire family, in one blink of an eye! I noticed that he had a tear rolling down is cheek. I wiped away that tear and Gunmar looked at me and smiled, a sad smile. I said, " I understand what's like like to lose someone you once loved." I lost my (brother/sister) to a car crash. I explained it to him, when he told me about the loss of his family. Gunmar broke the slience and said, "(Y/N)?" I replied, "Yeah?" Gunmar smiled and said, " I may have lost my family, but at least I have you." I smiled back and blushed a little. Gunmar said once more, "(Y/N), will you please lay with me?" I blushed more and looked away, then I turned to him and nod, "yes." Gunmar smiled and made room for me. He put a blanket on me and carefully curled next to me. Gunmar gently putted my head on his chest and I could hear his heart beating. Gunmar leaned down to my ear and whispered, "I love you, (Y/N)." I smiled and whispered back, "I love you too, Gunmar." Gunmar smiled and closed his eye and fell asleep. Soon, I feel asleep too, and the last thing I felt Gunmar kissing my head good night. 

This is my first x reader story, so plz read and like it, and more stories are on their way! Ideas for my stories are welcome. And know this, no inappropriate stuff, you get what I mean! See ya, amigos! 😊😊😄😄😍

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