Gunmar x human reader part 2

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*Gunnar's POV*

I woke up to see (Y/N) resting, with her head against my chest. I blushed a little and licked her. Soon, her mother came to the door and asked, "Honey, you still asleep in there?" I soon started to worry a lot. I got up and gently put the girl on the nest and went to the door and said in a weird, small voice, "Yes moth- I mean mom, I'm fine!" Her mother asked once more, "Honey what's up with your voice? Are you really ok?" I replied once more, "Yes, I'm just sick, that's all!" Her mother said, "You're lucky it's Saturday! I'm going back to bed, see ya honey!" I sighed deeply as I heard her left. "Hey! I don't sound like that!" I jerked my head up to see (Y/N) awake. I chuckled and said, "Would you rather for me sound like me to cover you up? Hm?" (Y/N) laughed and it made me happy to see her so happy, just as I've been with Bular. I tore away from my thoughts and walked on fours towards her. She blushed a little and I pulled her in for a hug. I sighed happily as I felt her head and hands on my chest. Then I asked, "Little Angel?" That's a nickname I gave her when I first started to like her. She looks up at me and asked, "Yeah?" I smiled and said, "What does a 'kiss' feel like?" She blushed harder than ever and I giggled quietly as I looked at her red face. She tore herself away from and started to mutter things I didn't hear. I gently grabbed her chin so she can face me and she said, "So, you want to kiss me." I blushed hard and replied, "I do." She giggled and I connected my lips with hers. I closed my eye and she moaned softly and I moaned softly to. I felt something in me that I once had and lost over the centuries. Our long kiss finally stopped and we both looked at each other. I stared in her pretty (E/C) eyes. Then she smiled and said, while rubbing her neck, "You already know what a kiss feels like and yet, you asked?" I chuckled and said, while I grabbed her waist, "I actually didn't know what a kiss feels like, but I went for it." She chuckled and hugged me. I hugged her and licked her forehead and said, "You are my Little Angel." (Y/N) said, " I will always be your angel, Gunmar." 

"Your POV*

As we stop hugging, Gunmar pulled me in for another kiss. But this time, he went really rough. He grabbed my waist and putted me on my bed. I realized what he was trying to do! I got up, but he quickly went on top of me and kissed me again, while rubbing my hips. I started to tap his back and tried to say through our kiss, "Gunmar, stop!" But he didn't listen. He kept on going, the he tried to remove my pants, but I pushed him back and said, "Stop, Gunmar!!" He looked at me in shock. I panted a little and then said, "Gunmar, that was really uncalled for!" He replied, "But I couldn't help it, it felt so good!" I was angry and snapped, "Gunmar, listen. That was called underage sex! If you wanted to do it with me, but I didn't, you would've raped me! That's a crime by the way!" He tried to take my hand, but I pulled away and didn't want to look at him. He sighed a heavy, guilty sigh and said, "I didn't know I would commit a crime, I wouldn't do anything that could hurt you, but I didn't feel that feeling for so long, I just....I just wanted to experience it with you." I looked at him with surprise. He looked at me with love and guilt in his blue eye. I went closer to him and my hand on his cheek and said with care, "Gunmar, I understand that you lost so much, but you're not the only one who lost someone they loved and lost." He looked at me and placed his hand on my hand and smiled. I drew him in for another kiss and he gently grabbed my waist and rubbed it. This time, he didn't try to do it with me. We stopped and looked at each other and then, Gunmar said, "I will always be here for you, my love. And I will protect you with my life." He pulled me in for a hug and I sighed and said, "Thanks, my love." He smiled and we both held each other tight, as if hugging was our last hope. Soon, my mom came to my room and asked, "Honey, you feeling better in there?" Me and Gunmar stopped hugging and I replied with a raspy voice, "No, Mom! Don't come in here!" Mom replied, "Okay, sweetie pie! You stay in your room for the rest of the day and you can watch TV in your room." I replied with my raspy voice, "Thanks, Mom!" I heard mom walking away and Gunmar burst out laughing and said, "'Sweetie pie?!' So, that's what your mother calls you, Sweetie pie! A very good pet name!!" I started hitting him on his arm while he was laughing, but it did not damage. He laughed and he breathe to catch his breath. He layed on his side on my bed and I said, "That wasn't funny, Gunmar!" He chuckled and said, "Maybe that should be your new nickname." I hit him in his chest, but it hurt me instead. He chuckled and sat up to nuzzle into my neck and licked it. His hot warm tongue felt so good. I closed my eyes as he kept licking my neck. He stopped and layed on his back. I decided to turn on the TV and Gunmar looked at the TV in curiosity and asked, "A talking crystal?" I giggled and replied, "No, it's a TV." He looked at me and back to the TV in confusion. I asked him, "Do you want to watch the walking dead?" He looks at me and asked, "What's that?" I started to explain to him about the Walking Dead series and it's characters and how the survivors fought the Undead to find a permanent home and hopefully, to find a cure to the virus. He looked amazed by it and said, "I never seen humans have such bravery." I smiled and started to put on the walking dead season one, but the news and on and a female reporter came and explained a couple of people were attacked by three others that killed and ate them in a zombie way! Me and Gunmar looked the TV in shock and I turned off the TV. I pulled my legs yo my chest and Gunmar must have smelled my fear and rubbed my arm. He does this to comfort me, saying it's going to be okay as long he is around. I quickly layed down next to him and covered myself in blankets. Gunmar was about to comfort me once more, but I snuggled close to him and hugged him tight. He grabbed me tighter than ever and whispered, "Everything will be okay, (Y/N) I promise." I smiled and buried my head in his chest and he says once more, "I love you, my Little Angel." "I love you too, my love." Soon we both let sleep take over us both.

So, what do you think will happen, will Gunmar and his newfound lover will face a zombie apocalypse or everything will be fine? Vote which suggestions you agree with and see which one is right! Read, like, and follow and enjoy!! Peace amigos!! 😘😘😁😁😺 

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