Bular x human reader

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*Bular's POV* 

I walked on all fours, through the forest, quietly and steadily. I looked back to see if the Trollhunter and his little friends are following me, but no one was behind me. I sniffed to make sure and started to keep moving. Soon, clouds began to cover the beautiful night sky. I felt a raindrop on my back and I flinched at the little, cold drop. Soon, it started to pour heavily and I shivered, because it was way to cold for me to bear! My chest started to feel weird at first, but soon, it started to hurt. I groaned in pain. That blasted Trollhunter!! I thought to myself. Using his amulet to put a hole through my chest! The Trollhunter must have thought I was dead, but I wasn't, I lived! My thoughts were interrupted by a clap of thunder. I looked up and saw the storm was getting worse. I had to find shelter, or I will get more wet than I was before! Then, through the mist the rain made, I saw a cave! I ran to the cave and went inside it. It wasn't big, but I could still fit. I layed my head on my arms and sighed deeply. My chest was still hurting. I shut my eyes and groaned, praying, begging for the pain to stop. Fortunately, the pain stopped. I sighed and relaxed. I open my eyes and stared out of the cave entrance. I rolled over and layed on my back. I putted my hands on my chest and stared at the cave ceiling, as if I were looking at stars. My head were filled with angry thoughts. How could this have happen to me?! Me, Bular son of Gunmar the Black, defeated by a human child! I kept going on with these angry thoughts and as I did, I toss and turn as I layed on the cave floor. Then as I mentioned my father's name in my thoughts, I started to worry about him, I heard that he escaped his wretched prison. I hoped that he is alright and I hope he is thinking of me. I made a vow, if I see that wretched Trollhunter or any of his friends again, I will kill them! I will make the Trollhunter himself watch his friends die and then, I'll kill him last. My thoughts were once again interrupted by another clap of thunder and a flash of lightning. I ignored the storm, and soon I closed my eyes and let sleep take over me.

*Your POV* 

I woke up from my sleep, I yawned and stretched out my arms and my legs. I got up and looked outside. Wow! I thought to myself. That storm sure did made a mess in my backyard. Oh, you are wondering who I am! Well, i am (Y/N), and I am only, (Y/A). (It can be any age you want!!). I noticed that it was Monday and I was late for school!! I panicked and ran to get random clothes on, grabbed my bag and set out on my bike to school. Once I got there, my three awesome friends, Jim, Toby, and Claire were by the school, waiting for me to show up. Once I got there, I waved at them and Toby was to first to see me. Once Toby noticed, so did the rest of the gang. They all crowded me and gave me a group hug. Claire asked as she let go, "How was your weekend?" I replied, "Eh, same as usual." "That's what you said last time, (Y/N)." Claire nudged his elbow with hers and he grunted. Jim gave me a pat on the shoulder and said to us, "Come on, we'll be late to class!" We all nodded and headed to first period.

*Time Skip*

My head was dizzy from learning. I went to get my bike, until Jim caught up to me and asked, "How about I ride you home tonight?" I blinked in confusion and asked, "Why?" And Jim replied, while rubbing his neck, "Oh, ya know, 'cause I wanna make sure you're safe and also, we're best friends, so yeah." As I opened my mouth, Claire and Toby came to me and Jim. Toby asked, "Hey, you guys going for the ride home together?" Claire asked too, "May we join?" Jim replied, "(Y/N) still haven't answered my question." I looked at all three of 'em and replied, "Pfft, come on guys, it's not like a giant troll could come up and attack me as I ride home." All three them looked at me with worry and they all started to laugh, nervously. I rolled my eyes and said, "You guys are so weird. Well, gotta go! See ya!" I waved goodbye to them and they waved back to me and Jim yelled, saying to stay safe. As I got back home, I noticed the garage door was opened. "Huh, that's strange. It wasn't opened when I left." I said to myself. I got into the garage and said, "Hello? Anyone in my garage?" I saw movement in the corner of my eye. I quickly grabbed my flash light, turned it on, and looked all around. I found something under the huge car cover, the thing that covers my parents car up. I carefully lift it up and I found a huge stone body, and two glowing, amber eyes, staring right at me and this thing made a growl.

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