Angor Rot x human reader

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*Angor rot's POV*

I was walking in the forest, mining my own business, then I saw a female fleshbag, laying on the forest floor. I ran to her and saw that she has been attacked by some creature. She had cuts, scratches, and bite marks all over her body! I didn't know what to do with her. Then an idea came to my head. I picked her up, and used the Shadow Staff to get back to my hideout in the sewers. I put the human girl gently on my nest I made for myself. I putted a blanket on her, so she wouldn't get cold. Then, I just stared at her, she was so beautiful! She had (E/C) eyes, (H/L) (H/C) hair. I couldn't keep my eyes off from her. Then I heard someone calling for my name. It was Strickler. I growled when I heard him called for me again. I looked at the girl one more time and left. I walked until I found him in his troll form. Strickler said, "Finally you showed up! What took you so long?" I replied, "I...was busy." Strickler nodded and then said, "I have information, regarding the Trollhunter." I growled softly when I heard the name. "They'll be going for the Killstone, in the swamps of the Quagawamps." He informed. "The Killstone?" I asked. Strickler replied, " A renment of Gunmar's first kill, where he shattered their beloved Wampa King." I threw a dagger at him while he was distracted, but I missed. Disappointed, I said, " Quagawamps. I heard their not friendly to outsiders, especially the humankind." I looked at him, while I grabbed my dagger. "Recover the Killstone." Strickler replied. I pulled my dagger from the sewer pipe and said, "And destroy the Hunter? Now that he is marked, I am looking forward to take, what is most dear from him." Strickler changed back into his human form and replied, "As you wish." 

As I travel through the gyre station, I hoped that Strickler doesn't find the human girl I have found in the forest.

*Your POV* 

I ran as fast as I could from whatever was chasing me. I was covered in scratches, cuts, and bite marks. Soon, I tripped and fell. I needed to keep going, if I don't, I'm frickin screwed!! So, with that thought, I got up and kept running. My heart was pounding really hard, it felt like my heart could just tear through my chest! I soon found a tree to climb, in order to get away from whatever is chasing me, so, I climbed up the tree and stayed silent. I heard growls from the ground and I did not look down to see what is was. I was scared enough! Then, I felt like something pushed me. I fell off the tree and screamed while I fell. Soon, I hit the ground and the next thing was, I blacked out. As I did, inside I waited for something real bad to happen, but nothing happened, the last thing I saw was two gold and black eyes staring at me. 

I woke up and found myself in some sort of nest! It was really comfy, it was made out of mostly sticks, but it was covered in deer hide and silk fabric, to make it more comfy. I sat up and I was in the sewer! I groaned in disgust as I noticed, because I know what sewers smell like and it smelled awful! I tried to get up, but my legs were scratched and clawed and it hurts more when I tried to move them, so I just layed back down and sighed. But the real question was, who brought me here and why? I didn't know and I wished I know. I got up and looked around. Soon, I found a pile of rocks that looked kinda like a thrown. "Looks like someone does live down here!" I spoke quietly to myself. After two hours, I heard heavy footsteps coming this way. I froze as I heard them. I finally noticed I had a blanket on me, so I covered myself in it, and hopefully I wouldn't be seen. As the sound of heavy footsteps stopped, I peaked my head out a little to see who brought me here. It was not human at all!! It was pale and it had blue stones inside of it. It's horns were curved and it was covered in some kind of vines or roots!! And it was holding some kind of a green stone. It chuckled deeply as it looked at the glowing stone. It sounded like a male. His head turn towards me and I quickly pulled the blanket over my head. But he noticed I was awake, so he pulled the blanket from me and chuckled. "Well, look who is finally up." His voice was so deep and almost demonic like. I finally looked at him and saw that he has gold and black eyes, the same ones I saw in the forest before I blacked out! I gulped as I sat. He smiled and said, "Hello there, youngling." He took his hand out to shake. I flinched a little, but I shaked his hand and said nervously, "H-H-Hi." The creature smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you, little girl." As he said that, he got closer to me and as he stopped, he sat down and putted the green, glowing stone away. He looked at me and asked, "What is your name?" I replied, "(Y/N) (L/N), y-you can c-call me (Y/N)." "Hmm" grumbled the strange creature. I asked, "What's your name?" The creature gave me a smirk and replied, "I am Angor Rot." That name send chills down my spine. I asked once more, "Are you the guy that brought me here, Angor Rot?" Angor replied, "Call me Angor, and yes, I was the one that saved your life." I looked at the ground and wondered, why did he save a nobody like me? My thoughts were cut when Angor got up and sat on his throne. I tried to get up, but I fell and Angor rushed to me and asked, "Are you ok?" I looked at him and he had worry and concern in his eyes. I nodded. Angor helped me up and put me in his nest. He pulled the blanket on my legs. He looked at me and said, "Your legs are more injured than the rest of your body. I suggest you stay in this nest, until your legs are better, (Y/N)." I nodded again and looked at him with curiosity than fear. He went back to his rock throne and sat once more. I was about to ask him something, but he asked me first, "So, how did you get injured?" I rubbed the back of my head and replied, "I don't remember." Angor nodded slowly and started to cut out some rock to make into a little humanoid figure. I stared at him and then, he looked at me and l looked away, blushing. Angor broke the silence and said, "(Y/N)?" I looked at him and he said once more, "You'll be safe here with me." He came to me, sat in the nest across from me, grabbed both of my hands and said softly and kindly, "I promise." I then smiled a shy smile at him and he smiled at me back. I yawned and Angor said, " You must be tired, here let me tuck you in." He layed me down, grabbed the blanket and putted on me. I said quietly, "Good night, Angor." Angor smiled and said, "Good night, my little angel." Soon, I feel asleep and Angor curled beside me and slept too.

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