Chapter#12- The bad guy

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Third Pov

           "Wh-what?" Ink stuttered, "You didnt listen... without him.... you could've killed EVERYONE " Raven wispered. Looking sad...

"So.... the thing about the balance.... is true?" Ink asked,

"Yes it is,"

Then unexpectedly she was crying,

"Because of all that daddy was always coming home with bruises or bleeding.. A-and I can't.... Take it anymore.... Seeing the person that risked so much for me.... Hurt..." Raven said between sobs,

"When you... Make another AU.... I-it makes a cr-ack on his soul..."

"I just wanted for.. It to stop... I can't see him getting hurt anymore,  Do you even know how it feels Ink?"  She said looking away from him,


" i just hope you listen to me...." Raven interrupted him, 

" i might not know everyone from the AU's... But i don't want them to die, they still live..." 

" and im sure.... that you would want to regret anything either,.. Do you?" Raven said her eyes full of unexplained emotions, like a mix of anger, regret, sadness, worry, 

"Im sorry i-i.. i didn't know, i.. i just thought-"

"That he was just doing it for fun?" Raven asked and interrupted him once again, 

"He isn't heartless ink, Compared to the both of you," Raven stopped to look at him, 

" You're the more heartless and selfish person, He sacrificed his sanity, he had a life too ya know? an AU?" 

Ink's eyes widened, As he heard this,

"It was destroyed because of you, creating everything you want not knowing the consequence, He could've let the whole world crumble, But no... he .... He still did his best, despite the torture the abuses.... physical and mentally from all of you,.... i mean.. did you ever noticed that... he never attacked you without any reason? only if there's a reason, or... its an AU?"

Ink's head is staring at the ground his eyes showing regret and worry, 

"tell me ink," Ink's head whipped to look at her 

" if he is that heartless, Why haven't killed me? Hurt me? Torture me? Starved me? Yes, he trained me, but never to kill,"  

"Actually the reason i had to kill or destroy that AU is because of you," Ink's tears are threatening to fall, As he saw my teary eyes then i turned to face him completely

" But you didn't know, so... i forgive you" she said with a smile, 

Ink suddenly hugged her, Crying already, 

"I-I'm so sor-sorry, i didn't know, i pr-promise to listen from now on," She nodded and burried her head on his chest, and they both started crying 

" Pl-please don't hurt my daddy anymore," Raven mumbled 

"i won't no more, i promise" 

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