christmas with txt

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by :: txta's literary club

A/N: this was written before the actual show so the actual thing is different. Enjoy!

“...Hey...guys...guys! Wake up, it’s Christmas! If you don’t I’ll jump on you and force you to get up!” 

Beomgyu excitedly leapt around the room he and his four friends shared, the five of them having decided to sleep together for Christmas Eve, even deciding to drag single beds into the already-crowded room. 

“...Mmm...give us five more minutes, ‘ can’t be later than six in the morning, right? You are my real life sleep paralysis demon, except you’re a little scarier...”

Yeonjun yawned loudly and stretched his arms above his head, slowly getting ready to function for the day ahead of him. 

“You caught me, guilty as charged! It’s only 4.30 in the morning—“ 

“Woah, woah, woah, Beomgyu, what on Earth are you thinking? We need our beauty sleep so we can look fabulous for our day, you sneaky devil!” 

It was Taehyun’s turn to wake up, his annoyed and tired expression aimed completely at the only excited one in the room. 

“I for once agree with Taehyun; we’ll get up in a few minutes, but let us actually wake up, Beomgyu! You’re a crazy energetic bunny, I swear...” 

Soobin chuckled and reached for the small light beside him, almost knocking the elf that had been placed in a different spot in the group’s dorm since the first of December. 

“Ah—oh, it’s only the elf man. We’re safe, everyone!” 

“Soobin, for your height I’re so easy to scare!” 

Hueningkai seemed to be the only other member functioning to their full capacity, his hair already brushed and his eyes gleaming with energy. 

“Did you really have to rhyme, Hueningkai? Oh wait...ignore me, I think we’re all rhyming this morning.” 

Taehyun shut his mouth to prevent himself from accidentally rhyming and tried and failed to sit up in his bunk bed. 

“Well, now that you guys are sort of up, let’s go and devour our presents under the tree—“ 

“Oh. My. Goodness. Presents?! How could I forget? See you all with my opened gifts!”

Yeonjun dashed out of his bed, leaving everyone in complete shock. 

“Wasn’t he...still in bed just then? Time to go and catch up to him; we can’t let Yeonjun open his presents alone!”

Soobin like the mom he got his cup of coffee with a warm cinnamon bun that was made by the catering service hitman Bang had prepared. This Christmas was truly for the younger idols but Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook had been hinting for weeks that they wanted Santa to give them something. Soobin looked around wondering if they had come down yet. In fact no one had come down yet.

Soobin continues to enjoy his cinnamon roll savoring the flavor of frosting and sweet bun. Hitman Bang had gone all out this year as it was the first christmas txt and bts would be spending together. They rented a log cabin a little ways out of Seoul so that it would be a more secluded area.

Soobin’s slience didn’t last long as he heard two pairs of footsteps come running down the stairs. The glee and excitement from the pitter-patter sound would make you believe it was Hueningkai and Taehyun but not it was none other than Yeonjun and Beomgyu. Soobin exhaled from his nose with a smile as he watched the older members talk about what they had gotten for christmas. Then yeonjun thing said something that he believed to be funny 

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