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"This was going to be fine." If optimism had been a currency then Libra would have been the richest person on this planet.

Gemini wondered whether Aquarius should have been an actress instead of her. Not that she was doing that bad as an author. Nah, NightHawk was a huge hit in the markets and people were dying to get their hands on it's sequel. Apparently. Tumblr was overflowing with it. Funnily enough,she,Gemini happened to be playing the lead in the movie adaptation of that book. The NightHawk was a cool character to play but strangely enough Aquarius was not directly involved in the shooting of the movie. Strange. She always acted weird so that was the least of their concerns.

They were flying over the Caribbean Sea now. They would land in Peru at any second.

"Pachacamac,"Aquarius said all of a sudden.

Sagittarius would have said,"The Prisoners of The Sun is my favorite Tintin comic." Pisces would have voiced the same sentiment.

But Gemini only made a disgruntled sound and put her earphones in her ears. It immediately started playing Monster by Imagine Dragons. She must have put that loop on again. Never mind,it was her favorite song.

Libra had put in her earphones long ago and was watching Sherlock. The Great Game. She had this Strange fascination with this episode so no one commented. If anyone asked her,she would reply,"It's balanced as all things should be." Well they were lucky enough that it was not Sagittarius. She would have treated them to the history of Sherlock Holmes and all the references made in the series.

Aquarius, disgruntled that no one was listening to her diatribe on Tintin opened Wattpad and started reading that fanfiction she had started reading yesterday. So far,so good. Well, let's not be too optimistic. The Seven Deadly Sins were still breathing,even if they were not humans.

Pisces stopped as she felt the hairs rise in her neck. A quiet shuffling could be heard. Scorpio and Cancer having heard the same,stopped as well.

"On the count of 1,"Pisces began.
"2,"Cancer continued.
"And 3,"Scorpio said as the three of them turned around but found no one.

This was not going good at all. They swallowed as they boarded their plane but could not shake off the nagging feeling that they were being followed. Atleast they were off to Brazil. That was just being optimistic on Pisces's part though.

Cancer sighed,"Read or watch?"

"Watch." Scorpio said.

"Read,"said Pisces.

"I am the deciding vote and I say Watch." Cancer proclaimed.

Pisces sighed,"Why do I even try?"

The other two replied in unison,"Because you are Pisces." The three of them giggled.

"So what do we watch?" Pisces asked.

"Avengers: Infinity War,"Scorpio said promptly. Pisces sighed however as Cancer said,

"And do what? Bawl our eyes out?"

"Guys, Endgame has released." Pisces tried to mediate.

"In which Tony Stark dies." Cancer snapped.

"Well he is alive in Infinity War,"Scorpio said carelessly. Cancer glared,"Because that horsefaced—."

"Wrong person,Can. Sagittarius is not present here." Pisces closed her eyes, mentally wishing to watch the Sound of Music. Well as you have probably surmised the most of the trip was spent with Scorpio and Cancer arguing on movies while Pisces had drifted off to sleep.

Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus were arguing which playlist to listen to for the trip. Well mostly it was Virgo and Taurus with Capricorn being the mediator. Capricorn had finally sighed and begun to read a Wikipedia article on the Ajanta and Ellora caves while Virgo and Taurus argued between Twenty one Pilots and Billie Ellish Seriously? Just take Imagine Dragons for God's sake! Well that was what Capricorn thought,in any case.

Well,if Leo could have seen the other three groups,he would have been ridiculously proud of theirs. Though that was because,the three of them might have just been triplets separated at birth, judging by their behavior.

Well they were currently in a park, waiting for Leo to regain his breath. The park was thankfully deserted. Sagittarius sighed,"Whatever are we gonna do now? We have completely lost our bearings." She was had dropped her hair from the two ponytails and rubbed her face off any make-up to avoid drawing attraction to them. Otherwise how were they going to explain the owner of the Rene Incorporated with an almost-broke History teacher? Aries was jogging in the park so he was the last person to be called odd. However,the problem was mainly with Sagittarius's hair and clothes. I mean,you don't really see someone with rainbow dyed blond hair and a t-shirt with Harley Quinn written all over it and forget her,do you?

Their good luck did not really last for that long. A couple of idle passerbys came to ruin it.

Sagittarius heard one of them whisper,"Isn't that the owner of that huge company? Rene?"

The other said,"And who is that weirdo?"

The first one said,"Some incredibly lucky person?"

There were a few more muffled whispers when Sagittarius poked Leo. He moved to glare at her,only to scowl at the passerbys. They merely waved cheekily and one of them even had the audacity to mouth,"Have fun with your girlfriend." Then they went away.

Leo gnashed his teeth. "What the hell is their problem?"

Sagittarius leant against the park bench,"Ignore them."

"Ignore them? They have definitely taken pictures and posted them on social media." Leo half-screamed,"This is my reputation we are talking about!"

Sagittarius sighed as she whistled for Aries who came jogging up.

"What happened now?"

"My reputation is in jeopardy!"

Aries and Sagittarius exchanged a glance.

"What about you hack their accounts,Aries?"

"And delete the data?" Aries grinned,"Job done."

Leo buried his face in his hands.

Sagittarius patted his shoulder and got a glare for her effort.

"That was rude,"she muttered, gazing at the blue sky.

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