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You can never be safe up in the air. It's treacherous and being shot down from it can lead to severe spinal and bone damage which mean absolute death. To die,to sleep,perchance to dream. Not romanticising death here or anything but there is nothing to be afraid of it. Because birth and death are the two constants in our lives. The others varied from person to person. The wind circulation was minimal where the helicopter was,so it flew without any turbulence.

Taurus sat at the pilot's seat for the time being and Virgo was busy having a sandwich. Capricorn drummed his fingers on his thigh and said,"How much longer before we reach the site?" Taurus looked at the coordinates and said,"Not much,we are almost approaching it. Being invisible has its merits sometimes." If they knew what had happened to Leo and gang,they would have said it with so much surety. As it was,they were approaching the caves. Where they would have to dismount and continue the journey on foot.

Virgo grumbled between bites of her sandwich,"Leo really needs to start manufacturing helicopters which consume less fuel so that we can actually use them for travelling long distances instead of flying to the rough area by plane and taking the helicopters afterwards to land at the exact site. Also if the helicopter flew here why couldn't we have just flown in it to avoid the unnecessary trouble?"

Capricorn licked his lips as he answered or atleast attempted to. You won't know what exactly went on in his brain unless you were Sagittarius. Or possibly Aries. Those three were inseparable. Fire went best with fire or so is said. And Virgo detested Aries for some reason as well. Nor was Taurus on very amiable terms with Sagittarius either. Capricorn was possibly the only agent who had no fight with anyone.

"Well,I believe that it is because of some cover story or something. Or maybe it doesn't actually fly here all the way from the headquarters. I have always assumed that the helicopters are strategically placed nearby and not really there."

Virgo sighed. Capricorn sounded confused himself. Taurus shook his head.

"Virgo,if you don't trust Leo then you can't really trust anyone. Especially Sagittarius."

Capricorn sighed.

"What have you got against Sagittarius, again,Rus?"

Taurus continued to look ahead but his voice could be heard,"Personal reasons. Besides I don't like her as it is."

Virgo closed her eyes. Well she was gonna nap and no one could tell her otherwise. She laid her head on the back of the seat and fell asleep within minutes. That was a rare talent to have and a very useful one,one had to admit. Falling asleep anywhere and everywhere was a skill.

Capricorn sighed. This stupid rivalries were what make the team prone to problems. That's why special care was always taken to not have Taurus and Sagittarius do a mission together. And if Virgo and Aries went together,Pisces had to be present all the time. That was a pain,Leo had once said. For he was the leader and it hurt sometimes to see the others not cooperating. Also the Wheel Of Zodiac 2.0 viewed this as incompetence on his part. As much as he tried to make it understand,it didn't. He had come to ignore that.

Besides Sagittarius had been a bit of a rebellious spirit always. But that didn't make her untrustworthy. Instead as Capricorn was a bit ashamed to admit that made her quite attractive. But Capricorn wondered however as to what exactly had Taurus against Sagittarius to hate her so. As far as he was concerned,Taurus had met Sagittarius when they both joined the Zodiac.

Taurus looked outside. His eyes looked almost wistful when Capricorn saw their reflection in the glass. Then he thought he saw a flash of fire in them, boiling and simmering with some unknown anger. Then it went back to the normal expressionless if not a little full of himself black eyes.

Taurus pressed a button on the ship's control panel.

"You should see me in a crown" by Billie Eilish started playing.

Taurus's favourite song.

No one objected to it. They were too tired of arguing as it is.

Bite my tongue
Bid my time
Wait till the world is mine
Visions I vandalize
Cold is my kingdom size
Fell for these ocean eyes

You should see me in a crown

However the moment the song went to the chorus,Taurus stopped it. Capricorn was shocked. He never stopped it. What was wrong today?


Taurus was quiet for sometime before he said,"Cap,look, don't bother yourself with my amniosity against Agent Sagittarius. It is not worth it. And I promise that the team wouldn't suffer because of it. Also I am bored of this song as it is."


The word rang in his mind for the rest of the ride. What could have caused Taurus to consider Sagittarius as his enemy?

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