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Libra, Gemini and Aquarius, aka the agents abroad the helicopter were in a fight as usual. Well, it was more like Gemini and Aquarius arguing while Libra tried to mediate between them. All three were exhausted and were slumped up, Libra barely managing to keep her eyes open as she steered the helicopter towards the foot of the Andes mountains.

The foothills were densely covered as well, and it was hard to find a clearing. They wouldn't be able to traverse much distance today, exhausted as they were. Gemini's and Aquarius's voice grew muddled up as they respectively yawned and soon nodded off to sleep. Libra, herself was craving sleep but she had to get them to the mountains, hoping that they did not get caught in another attack.

Night was falling as they neared it, decreasing the already low visibility. The flashlights would have to be switched on, but that would be like holding up a signal to their attackers, saying that they wanted to have a fight.

"The time draws close, my beasts," he said softly, standing up from his chair. The room was dark, and the man's features were in shadow. He had a smooth voice with an accent.

A solitary lightbulb shone in the middle of the dank room.

The circle of the devil glowed an ugly red, casting a dull crimson light onto the hideous and deformed creatures.

Their leader grinned, showing yellowed fangs.

The man continued to smile.

Libra considered herself lucky enough to not have fallen asleep while flying the helicopter. She had almost dozed off while landing, leading to the scratches on the helicopter. Leo wouldn't mind, hopefully.

The trees grew dense, providing a good cover for the helicopter. She switched on the invisibility function, feeling her eyelids droop. She forced them open. It was not wise to sleep in such a dangerous area. They could be ambushed, despite their precautions.

However staying awake was a challenge as she yawned, the edges of her vision blurring together. She splashed water on her face, trying in vain to stay awake. She needed rest, her body was telling her so and she knew it as well.

She prodded Gemini sleepily, hoping that she would wake up to take her shift.

Gemini jerked up, hair flying, claws extending immediately.

"What, who attacked—" She said wildly, looking around.

Even in her haze, Libra laughed, startling Gemini.

"No one, doofus, I need you to keep a watch," She said amused, stifling a yawn.

Gemini blinked at her a couple of times, before she retracted her claws nodded, the adrenaline still in her.

Libra smiled and put her head onto a pillow, getting as comfortable as possible before dropping asleep.

Gemini settled back to keep a watch, the night being dark and providing no visibility. She had been jerked up from a pretty pleasant and dreamless sleep, unlike the horrors of today, which she had witnessed with her own eyes.

"Mr. Brett would not believe it," She thought. Well, it wasn't like she was going to tell him or something. By the time she would get to tell him, she would have gotten her memories of this trip locked up. That is, considering that she did not die on the way.

Pretty pessimistic, as Libra would say, but the darkness encouraged her dark thoughts, her mind going on over-drive on what ifs.

She, as a rule, overthought everything she could if she did not have a proper occupation. She shook her head, wondering whether she would get the Wi Fi to watch a few YT videos.

She opened her phone. No such luck. Wi Fi wasn't available this deep into the wilderness. She decided to open Wattpad and read one of the stories that she had downloaded, offline. She was a sucker for teen fiction, it was a well known fact.

Aquarius's dreams weren't as undisturbed as Gemini's. She kept twitching and moving, kicking Gemini once by mistake. Gemini's cry of pain woke her up and she sat up, gasping for breath.

"What happened?" Both of them asked simultaneously, before bursting into laughter at the ridiculousity of the situation.

Libra continued to sleep, unaffected by the commotion around her.

Gemini and Aquarius took a look at her, biting their lips in amusement before they turned back to each other.

"Why on earth did you have to kick me, Aqua?" Gemini began, being careful to keep her voice low.

Aquarius bit her lips, looking sheepish and a tiny bit embarrassed.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean it, I will go back to sleep now," She said, proceeding to lie down.

Gemini took a look at her before saying,

"You know that you can tell me anything you wish to, right?"

Aquarius gave her a small smile.

"Yeah, I do know that, it's nothing Gem, don't worry," she said, curling up and closing her eyes, feeling Gemini's gaze on her.

"Nightmares aren't a thing to be ashamed of," Gemini muttered before looking away. She squeezed Aquarius's shoulders, keeping her hand there.

This time when she drifted off, her sleep was dreamless. She had a friend with her.

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