Chapter 6

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——Remus Perspective——

Remus rolled over. He blinked once, twice. His thoughts slowly fed back to him, of what had happened the night before. They seemed hazy, almost like it was a dream. Remus looked around the room. James and Frank were both still asleep from what he could tell. The same could likely be said for Peter, whose arm was hanging limply overhead. Remus picked up the book that was still laying on his chest and folded the corner, setting it to the side so he could swing his legs to the ground. No use just sitting around waiting for the others to get up, after all.

Remus did his best to walk quietly over the creaking floorboards. It was enough to make him think that going outside would be the only thing he could do without waking anybody. He pulled the door open with as much care as he could manage, then stepped around the doorframe quickly to shut it behind himself. He hadn't really thought much farther ahead, so he decided just pacing before the door would be enough of a waste of time until the sun was up enough to wake his roommates. He'd probably have slept in more if he hadn't been worried about the time of month it was getting to. The muggle paper his mother had managed to slip into his trunk said that the moon would be its fullest June 9th... and Remus was dreading every second of it. It was one thing to shift into a murderous beast every month without fail, but it was a completely different thing to be away at a summer camp where he would be likely to attack anybody and everybody around him. To think, he just started making friends, too.

Movement in the center of the clearing caught his attention. Four people stood huddled together in the center, their wands before them and were talking, almost as though they were planning something. He had stopped to watch them but couldn't help turning around at the creak of a door. It was a little ways away, he realized, that a redhead Gryffindor was wandering out into the early morning sun. At least he wasn't the only one awake at this hour. He turned his attention back to the four people in the clearing, watching them separate and slowly walk closer to each of the four housing blocks. There was a witch coming this way, one with a flowing robe pooling at her feet. He felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Uh, hey," it was the red-haired girl. Remus nodded to her, eyes never leaving the curious sight. "I'm assuming all your cabin mates are still asleep, too?"

"Ah, yeah. I'd have thought I wouldn't be the only person used to waking up so early; school and all," the girl nodded.

"I'm Lily, by the way,"

"Remus," he replied.

"Oh! What's going on over there?" Lily pointed to the witches and wizards he had been watching. He shrugged. The witch in the flowy robes was much closer to the Gryffindor block by now, though. Both watched as the witch retrieved a stack of letters from her robe pocket, and waved her wand over them. At that, the letters flew overhead, diving down to slide underneath the door jam. "Woah. Wait... is that the Gryffindor head witch... what is her name... McGonagall?"

"Think so," Remus murmured. He was never one for talking much in the mornings.

"Well, hopefully, some of the girls will actually be awake now, so I'm gonna head back. See you again sometime!" Lily called, already walking backward towards her cabin. It was a wonder she hadn't managed to wake anybody else up with how loud she was. Loud, but sweet.

Remus rested outside the cabin for a little while longer. The fresh air shouldn't hurt, after all. But the mosquitoes were relishing the idea of having fresh blood to suck, and he was getting more fed up by the moment. Fine, he grumbled. He eased his way through the door again, with the intention of getting back to the safety of his bunk once more. The intention of. Instead, he managed to trip on a taut string that pulled at an airhorn that sent glitter literally everywhere before turning on the light.

"Who the fuck set this up?!" He shouted. He saw Frank and Peter blinking, waking up for the first time. And... a very smug-looking James Potter failing miserably to contain his laughter. Remus glared at him. It was enough to shut up the laughing, at least. "James whatever-your-middle-name-is Potter, please explain how this Rube Goldberg shit of a prank showed up overnight?"

——James Perspective——

Remus was smiling at him now, looking at him intently. But it wasn't a sweet smile. It was one where you could almost see the steam coming out of his ears, Remus was so angry.

"Uhh... magic?" James tried. Lucky for him, his wolf of a friend turned on his heel and dragged his glittery mess back to his own bunk, while James was left to wonder what was going to happen to him. I mean, nobody gets that angry and doesn't do something about it.

"Since we're all up, dibs on the shower," Sirius groaned, but one glare from Remus left the bathroom wide open for somebody.

After everyone got ready, taking their showers, and doing whatever else they needed before breakfast, they exited the cabin in a big clump to head to breakfast. Remus had calmed down a little bit from earlier. He still seemed tired as fuck and there was still glitter that refused to let go of his curls, but at least he was a manageable grumpy.

James jogged a little bit to catch up with the longer-legged curly-haired boy, the one who was refusing to talk to him. It was mean of him to pull that prank, but the reaction was priceless so he couldn't feel all that bad.

"It's Fleamont, by the way," James said.


"My middle name," He was trying to appease his buddy at this point. Most people at school tended to laugh when they found out his middle name.

"Fleamont, eh?" Sirius said. Fuck. Well, now their entire cabin knew. 


Author's Note: I'm thinking about drawing some of the layout I'm envisioning for the camp both for the sake of y'all reading this and my own planning purposes. It'll also help me decide how much of the staff really needs to be there because although the summer camp teaches magic, it is also something people do for fun.  

Edit: I went through and decided to change all of the suggested swears to actual swears because although I, myself, the author, do not swear(ever), it felt unreasonable to go through and leave a bunch of asterisks in my story.  

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