[ 2 ] the call

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"You can't just skip these tutoring lessons, Charlie, they're far too important."

Charlie grew tired of listening to Ms. Huff complain to him about missing the first two weeks of "Operation Tutor", as she liked to call it, and agreed to attend at least one session. Ms. Huff - although hesistant at first - agreed. Charlie didn't only agree because of her complaining, though. He wants out of this town, this country, hell, this state! He wants to be gone - no where near here - and the only way that's going to happen is with his father's help. And his father won't help unless it's for college purposes. Suffice to say, Charlie must pass this class if he wants to get into a far enough college. 

"Très bien, je vais vous dire Lilas vous mettre vous ajoutez dans son horaire !" Ms. Huff smiled brightly before moving past the student standing in front of her, making her way down the hall, to her classroom.

Charlie muttered a quick, "Bien," - by far the only word in French he remembered the English meaning of - before sauntering off to his car in large, almost-empy parking lot. The lot was quiet and breezy, much Charlie's liking. He didn't like hearing the girls screaming about some mall shopping trip or some hot guy they think their in love with, or the boys slapping each other on the back after a nice bang or calling dibs on particular girls - he wasn't like that. Sure, he slept with tons of girls and every now and then his friends would applaud him for it, but he didn't like bragging over the girls he slept with. None of them held much meaning to him. He only bragged of things he was proud of - none of which are the females he's slept with. 

As Charlie slid into the driver side of his black Range Rover, his phone began to buzz consistently. Knowing it was probably his mother or Carson, he decided to ignore it and drive his oh-so merry self home. The buzzing didn't stop like he had expected. Oh, no. It went on for a full five minutes before Charlie decided to answer it.

Roughly pulling it out of his back pocket at a stoplight, he jabbed the bright green 'acceptbutton and pulled it up to his ear. "What?" he snapped, clearly annoyed with  the caller. The person on the other line didn't say anything to him, but was definitely talking to someone else in the background. "Hello?" He was growing frustrated and thought of ending the call, but before he could take action and oddly familiar voice filled his ears. 

"Hi," The happiness was clear as day in her voice. "I'm glad you finally decided answer. Vanessa gave me your mothers number and for awhile your mom rambled on about a man named Frank always stealing her gummy bears and sour gummy worms but that she loves him nonetheless. Anyway, she gave me your number, telling me to just call you and tell you directly because you'd never listen to a thing she said and forget s-"

"I'm sorry," he interjects. "Who is this?"

"Oh my, God," she gasps. "How rude of me! Um, I'm the tutor ... for French? Lilac Bellerose. I was calling to schedule a session. Vanessa signed you up forever ago and I've never gotten a call or called you and I've suddenly just realized it and feel off. So, here I am - calling you. And V has been texting me non-stop about tutoring you because you've got an F in her class a-"

"Okay, I understand." Charlie absolutely adored her rambling but was in a rush to get home and shower, then head to Carson's. "You free Friday? Around, say, six p.m.?"

"No, but I have seven, is that okay?"

"Yeah, sure." Frankly, he didn't know if he would be free at seven, but he just wanted the conversation to end so he could focus on driving past all the slow drivers in front of him. "I gotta go, see ya then, bye."


not a lot of french in this one
but beware
next chapter is a tutoring session
a caution for this tale:

charlie aka
francisco lachowski
to da side

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