[ 4 ] Coffee?

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"Combien de fois Lindsay Lohan n'a aller en cure de désintoxication?" Lilac arched an eyebrow at the brown haired boy sitting in front of her. Charlie fiddled with his fingers in confusion. He didn't understand. This was his fourth tutoring session and the only new word he could remember was merde. Charlie hadn't planned on coming to this session or the one before that or the one before that. As much as he wanted to stay home and pretend like he never got offered the tutoring, he couldn't keep Lilac out of his mind. She was so happy-go-lucky and energetic. Charlie loved it. He loved talking to her and he loved when spoke in French. Frankly, it turned him on quicker than when he watches porn. "Combien de fois Lindsay Lohan n'a aller en cure de désintoxication?" Lilac repeated, inching her chair closer to Charlie. 

"Um, I don't know..." he muttered before sighing loudly. 

"Repeat it to yourself a couple times and think, Charlie," Lilac reached her hand out and placed it on top of Charlie's, who immediately stilled. Unconsciously, she rubbed her thumb over his soft hand. "You can do it, just try. Try and practice."

Charlie stiffly nodded. 

"Je pense que nous avons terminé pour aujourd'hui." Lilac gathered her books and shoved everything in her bad before slinging it over her right shoulder. "I suppose, if you want, we can meet here again on ... Thursday?" Charlie nodded again. He wasn't quite sure he could speak. He never got like this around girls. He never froze up - he wasn't the type. He wasn't cocky, but he never let a good lay get away. 

She's in her second year of college, bud, too old for you, that stupid voice whispered. Charlie was tempted to tell it to shut up, but refrained thinking of how weird that would be; talking to himself. 

Lilac walking away snapped Charlie right out of his thoughts. He didn't want her to go yet. As much as he wanted the tutoring to end, he didn't want her to leave. Maybe it was because his mother decided to stop by this morning and he was scared she'd still be there, and, quite frankly, he didn't feel like seeing her ever again. Or, perhaps it was because he just liked her company; liked her laugh or how she could make him laugh no matter the mood he came to the session in. 

"Would you like to get coffee?" The question slipped out of his mouth before he could stop it. I don't even like coffee, he thought, eyes widening slightly. Lilac turned around, cocking her head to the side. 

"Vous allez avoir à essayer plus fort que cela." And with that, she whipped around, her hips swaying as she walked towards the library door. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2014 ⏰

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