-20- Rally of the Templar and the Mage

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Air rushed over the Ravens wings as it let out a mocking 'caw' from high above the tree line. It's red eyes were narrowed as it eyed the surrounding around beneath it, it's small feathers near its beak tickling its face. As it's wings pumped it's chest heaved, it's talons clenching with each beat. Below fought Mages and Templar's, fire and steel clashing as screams and yells rang out. Leaning sharply the raven dodged a stray bolt of lightening, the air becoming alive with static and the smell of electricity.

Birds fled to the air to ensure their safety as earth was broken apart and thrown at the Templar's, their cries filling the air as several of them were crushed by boulders and chucks of earth alike. The roar of a dragon somewhere off in the distance haunted the air as the raven landed on the top of a crumbling hold, the ruins barely withstanding time. Cocking it's head to the side it watched the battle for a few more minutes before a gruff cry of a warrior rang out from behind the Raven. It hopped around and watched as a large male with large horns carried a battle axe in one hand, and a girl sling over his bare shoulder. A group of three other men followed him, all grumbling as they seen the Templar's and Mages.

"Bloody hell." The horned man grunted, his eyes rolling as he then began to look around for another path.

"We need to get her back to the Hold, we can't waste time fighting these... these idiots!" The man with the moustache and stylish attire growled, his nose twitching in annoyance. "She's barely stable."

"As long as I keep transferring my mana to her, she will be fine." A hooded figure replied, a large staff in hand as he used it like a walking stick. The third was a Dwarf who followed suit, content with himself as he adjusted his crossbow that was strapped to his back.

The raven cried out loudly, all eyes peering up to it. It fluttered it's wings before jumping from the ruin and gliding down to them. The man with the moustache put his forearm up, allowing the raven to land. The heavy bird closed it's wings and eyes the man, it's feathers ruffling on the back of its head before it 'cooed' softly. The man eyed the bird before poking at the seal around its ankle, the mark familiar to him.

"Cullen? Isn't this Cullens Seal?" He muttered to himself before Varric paced over, letting the bird hop onto his arm.

"Curly is worried, he has every right to be." Varric replied before he pulled the scroll of paper gently out of its string wrap. The paper was blank from what he could tell, meaning Cullen has just intended for the bird to reach Faith and her party, to at the least get a small letter back from her. Taking out one of his pencils he scribbled down a little note for Cullen before putting the scroll of paper securely back on the birds leg. The raven 'cawed' loudly before shifting on Varrics arm, it's large red eye watching the Dwarf with interest.

"Hopefully he receives it before we get back." Bull chimed from behind everyone, his eyes wandering the landscape. Dorian gave a small nod before Varric launched the bird off his arm and let it fly away.

"Who is this Cullen?" Clarence questioned, the name seeming very familiar to him. His index finger raising to Faiths head as he transferred more mana to her, his other hand holding his staff.

"He is the Knight Commander of the Inquisition. A former Templar." Bull explained, Clarence slowing his pace slightly in shock. 'He was still alive? How had he found Faith again?' Jealousy began to burn within him as he looked at the gorgeous woman who was suffering so dearly. He had loved her since they had met in the Tower of Magi and had done all he could to ensure her safety after the Abominations had got loose.

"And what is he to her?" He started, keeping his tone as level as he could. Dorian gave a small chuckle before glancing back over his shoulder.

"Is someone crushing on our Faith?" He chimed playfully, only receiving a slight lip raise as Clarence drew in a sharp breath of annoyance. "I believe they are quite close." He started, running a finger over his moustache. "She is always so happy when she's around him and flustered when he is brought up in conversation. One might even go as far to say they may be bedfellows." Everyone's eyes landed on Dorian, all speechless that he had actually come out and say such a thing. But everyone knew.

"Yes, I believe they are. Or at least something like that." Varric chuckled, his head shaking softly, a smile strung across his lips.

With white knuckles Clarence held his staff, his eyes locked on Faith as she dangled over Bulls shoulder, her expression at peace. He couldn't bare the thought of her sharing a bed with that man, every fibre on his being set alight with rage. Has she not seen what Templar's did to Mages? What they had done to many of the girls in the tower? Had it even been her decision to be involved with the man again or had he forced it on her like so many other had?

"I'd like to meet this Cullen when we return to your 'Hold'." He stated flatly, his teeth clenched to the point that they were beginning to hurt.

"He will probably be at the gates awaiting our arrival." Bull chuckled, the Party moving through a large field towards a small village where they could rest.

________________________________Hey everyone! Sorry for the SUPER LATE update. I've just been busy with life. I am also working hard to be able to get a PC so I can get these chapters out a lot quicker and be able to fix my writing easier. I hope you guys are doing good!

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