-21- The Lion and the Snake

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Clarence peered up to the tall watch towers that surrounded the entrance of the Hold, four guards standing fully geared at the gates watching them approach. Each one held a different weapon, each specializing in a different fighting style. Letting go of Faiths hand he let his shoulders relax, Bull, flipping her off his shoulder and holding her bridal style instead. As they entered the hold the four guards gasped, their eyes locked on Faith from behind their helmets.

"What happened to the Inquisitor? Is she okay?" One started, horror spreading on all their faces as they looked down at their leader that looked like a broken rose. beautiful and delicate, her hair hanging neatly off Bulls forearm.

"She should be well soon. Shes just exhausted." Dorian replied, smiling reassuringly to them. The guards gave a nod letting them make their way into the hold, Solas greeting them as they appeared at the entrance of the main hall. His eyes narrowed slightly seeing a new mage with them, his thin arms crossing on his chest.

"Should i prepare her room?" Solas started, use to healing the Inquisitor and tending to her wounds after an adventure. Bull gave a nod, Clarence watching Solas with curious eyes. The elf looked odd to Solas, his frame and facial structure slightly off from what he was use to seeing from all the Elves that had taken refuge within the hold. This one held wisdom of older more ancient magic that was no longer taught within the walls of the Circle of Magi, the magic forbidden and dangerous in the eyes of any normal person and especially Templar's who feared such power. Turning he lead them up the stairs to Faiths quarters, pulling the blankets away exposing the silky mattress cover. Bull laid her down gently as Solas went to fetch some water to wet a cloth with. "So what happened this time?" He started, glancing to the strange new elf before the rest of his comrades.

"She summoned a dragon and it sucked all her mana and left her unconscious, Clarence has been supplying her with mana to keep her from withering away since it happened. We don't know how to fix it or stop her mana from depleting." Varric stated worried, setting his crossbow down on one of her various chairs that sat around the room, fixing his vest to properly show off his chest hair.

"Clarence?" Solas muttered softly. "Thank you for keeping her stable. I appreciate a mage that is willing to help another one that is in need, especially one this special and dear to me." Clarence gave a small nod, unsure of why this mage felt familiar to him, as if he knew everything about him but it was shrouded by the darkest curtain ever created.

"I know how special she is, believe me." Clarence chuckled, letting his eyes roam over Faith, his beautiful angel that had been ripped from his arms so long ago. "I knew her way before all of this, before sh made a name for herself." He smiled to himself reminiscing of the old times when it had just been the three of them, before the Tower and the horrors they experienced. Solas gave a small nod, the others holding a gaping mouth as they all started questioning Clarence at once about how he knew her.

As they spoke among each other Solas stripped Faith of her tight binding armor letting her rest in the loose under clothing. He let his fingers trail to the bottom of the hem at her shirt, lifting it slightly to expose her stomach and ribs. His eyes searched her gently before a hand grabbed his roughly and pulled him away from her. Clarence watched him with red cheeks and ear tips before scolding him for peeking at her naked flesh.

"I'm looking for a mark from the Dragon, a binding that seals it within her or to her. They usually leave one after they are summoned." He growled, ripping his arm out of Clarence's grasp, and continuing his search.

From the door way came heavy footsteps as someone barreled up the stairs, the door nearly swinging off its hinges as it smacked the wall behind it. Cullen appeared at the bedside, his normally styled hair messy atop his head, bangs laying gently and speckled on his forehead. As his eyes caught sight of Faith, tears formed, his hand grabbing hers as he rested his head on the back of her hand.

"Don't ever leave me like that again. Maker save me, I was so worried. Is she alright? Why is she so pale?" Cullen babbled, hiding his tears as he stroked her hand with his thumb. He held her gingerly as he rose his head, looking at her peaceful expression that shifted slightly every once and a while as if she were dreaming.

"Just a little tired, She'll be fine Curly." Varic smiled softly, feeling for the man who had to see his love like this.

"She is in good hands Cullen, you know this." Solas replied pressing his two fingers just under her pant line as he found the mark. He whispered under his breath a spell to weaken the bond between the parasitic Dragon and Faith, his fingertips glowing softly. Everyone relaxing as Solas used his magic, except for Clarence and Cullen who became aware of each others presence. Their eyes met before each become red in the face with anger and jealousy.

"What is he doing here?" Cullen growled below his breath, getting to his feet. Dorian pinched at the edge of his mustache with a small smirk sensing the rivalry and waiting for the show.

"He was one of the apostates that were trying to kill us during our mission but it turns out he's a good guy and knows Faith from before." Bull replied innocently, not seeing the steam rising from the two men who were all but at each others throats at that moment.

"I wouldn't call him that. Don't trust him, you never know what an apostate like him will do." Cullen spoke venomously.

"And what is that suppose to mean, Templar?" Clarence spat, resting his hand on his amulet that stat on his chest.

"Whoa there boys, no need to start a fight." Varic started, raising his hands and standing between the two who had moved towards each other and were now almost chest to chest.

"If you mean to fight, take it else where, I need to concentrate." Solas growled, turning to the two of them and glaring daggers. Bull watched with wide eyes before grabbing the both of them by the back of the shirt and hauling them out of the room like misbehaving children.

As they reached the courtyard Bull let them go, shifting his large shoulders. "Just don't kill each other, I don't think Faith would like the news when she wakes up." Came his gruff voice before he headed back into the hall.

"I'm surprised she let filth like you live this long." Clarence growled, the tips of his ears red and a glare upon his face. "The Faith I knew would have wiped out all of you bastards the moment she got the chance to... After all they did to us."

"Well you don't know her very well anymore, that's clear." Cullen replied, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. He could feel the static in the air as the mage silently plotted against him, his fingers moving gingerly as if he was preparing to conjure a spell. Silently Cullen used his prior teachings from the chantry to cast a ward that would protect him from minor spells or bindings, Clarence gritting his teeth.

"I could tell something was off about her when we met again in the cave." He started. "That she had been corrupted some how, now I understand." His words were laced with venom as his hand suddenly shot out towards Cullen, a thin crystallized shard flying towards his chest. As he braced, the shard chipped at first as it hit his ward, then rebounded and dug deep into the dirt before Clarence's feet; like a splinter off an old plank hitting skin. There was a moment of silence between them as they glaredcdaggers at each other.

"All I've ever done is show her love and affection during these hard times. I've held her when half our people were slaughtered and comforted her when times were tough. I would never do anything to change or to hurt her." Several people had stopped their tasks and stood idly as they watched the two from afar. "If you plan on staying go talk to Varric and he will show you to an open space where you may camp, but if Faith decides you are not welcome here when she is well enough to speak then I will gladly show you out myself." Turning around he headed back to the stairs that would lead him to the hall where he could then go back to Faiths side where he belonged.

————————————————————————I hope you are all staying safe and washing your hands regularly!!

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