Ch. 5:"Yes."

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We enter Hot Topic quietly. Im still trying to process that whole like, leaning in to kiss me thing. Do I even like him? I dont know him that well but he seems to like me. We did click fairly quickly, and... He's taking me shopping. "Cassidy?"

"Hm? Sorry, spaced out there."

"Pick something out. I feel bad not getting you anything."

"What? You dont have to spend money on me."

"I took you shopping to buy stuff for you, thats how this works."

I feel my cheeks heat up. "Oh." I want to like Drew, and I dont want to like him because he's buying me things. However, its kind of nice. We've known each other for like five days and he's already buying me stuff and taking me out. Eventually I choose a band shirt, and I get another because they're on sale. Drew pays and hands me the bag containing my shopping.

"Lunch?" He asks.

I didnt even notice how late its gotten. I realise I havent told my mom where I am. I shoot her a text. Im at the mall with Drew. Dont panic if you get home and Im not there. Ill be home for ANTM dont worry ;)

"Lunch?" Drew repeats.

"Sorry. Yeah. Lunch sounds nice."

"Where do you want to go?"

"I dont know, I feel like I have been dictating a lot of the day. You pick something."

"Okay." He smiles. Im glad we didnt get into one of those cliche couple wars where they get into a fight over who cares less about where they go for dinner.

We walk out and get in Drew's car. For someone who was worried about dance being immascualating, he doesnt drive a very masculine car. I enter the Kia Soul and throw my bag in the back seat. I take a deep breath, the car smells new. Drew gets in. "Smells nice right?" He asks. I nod. "Got it for my 16th not too long ago." I nod again.

"Where are we going?" I ask after some time of driving. "You said for me to choose," Drew says. "Im choosing." I change the radio station and whip my head around over-enthusiastically for comedic effect. Drew glances over and laughs.

"You're going to mess up your hair." He notes.

"Arent guys supposed to not care about like, hair and stuff."

"Cassidy, when you are a dancer from the age of 7, you end up being around a lot more girls than guys. This teaches you a) how to treat a girl but more importantly b) what will mess up a girls hair and in turn c) what to avoid doing to a girls head."

I laugh. "I dont even want to ask about c"

Drew laughs. "You dont want to laugh at the complete failure of 3rd grade me?"

"Well when you put it that way..."

"Long story short I ran my fingers through my at-the-time-girlfriend's hair because that is what I had learned I was supposed to do from like... movies and stuff-"

"And stuff."

"And stuff. Anyway, she was not pleased."

I laughed. "I feel like that is an understatement."

"A complete understatement."

Drew pulls into a parking lot of a small sandwhich shop. "Is this okay?" He asks. "Sounds fine to me." I reply. We walk up to the door. I reach for the door handle and he pushes my hand down, opening it himself. I laugh, thank him, and we walk inside. We order and sit down.

"So why?" I ask.

"Why what?"

"You mustve spent like 250 bucks today. We met 5 days ago, and have only spoken for three. Honestly, I dont even have your number. Why are you doing this?"

Drew looks surprised. "Um... because you're nice. Because I think youre cool. Because you deserve it."

"Honestly, I dont."

"Honestly, you do."


"Because you're cool."

"Thanks, but I dont think that constitutes being deserving of... this."

"Im sorry..."

"No no no dont be sorry. This has been incredible. I just wondered why."

"If we're being honest here, its because I think youre really great. I know, like you said, we barely know each other but-"

A waitress comes up and hands us our sandwhiches. I thank her and we take a few bites.

"Sorry, what were you saying? I couldnt hear you over the sound of delicious." I say.

"I was going to say um... Maybe you would consider having... youre second ever boyfriend... being me that is... I mean, sorry if I'm being weird because like... we're kind of like new to each other and stuff and like-"

I cut him off. "Drew."





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