Ch. 7:"Positive Drew Fosters."

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I wake up before I even knew I had fallen asleep. The TV had turned off and Drew is asleep beneath me. I mentally recap last night. It was cute and perfect and just... wow. Drew mustve had many a girlfriend, he knows what he's doing. The night was perfect, as I said before, and it was perfect all on its own. We didnt even like, kiss. Let alone... anything else... I feel Drew start to move. He stretches his arm out. "Hi." I whisper. "Hi." He whispers back, voice raspy from sleep. Hot I think. I dont know if I think it genuinely or sarcastivally, but I definitely think it. My head rises and falls with the rising and falling of his chest.

"Do you want to get something to eat?" He asks

"Sure. But that would require getting up."

"We can come back afterwards."

I nod into his chest. "Okay."

I stand up and Drew stands up after me. We walk down to the kitchen and examine the contents of the fridge and freezer. "Toaster waffles." Drew notes. I grab them. "You know me so well." I pop a few in the toaster and sit on the counter. Drew sits up next to me. I put my head down on his shoulder. He puts his arm around mine.









I get up, out of my own bed this time, and walk over to my dresser. There's no Drew waiting for me in my room today, throwing me back into my normal routine. Today was the day we "get to" do our oral presentations for Miss Thompson. I get dressed in the most formal things I can find in my closest, while still looking casual. After all, every single boy (with the exception of Drew Fosters) will just be wearing basketball shorts and Nike Elite socks anyway.

My buss drops me (and the other people too I guess) off. I take my ear buds out for a minute, and then realize that was a mistake, plugging them back in. I walk out to where the front doors are and sit down on the steps. I listen to my music and zone out for what seems like a few minutes but could have been way longer. Im snapped back into the real world by someone walking towards me. Drew.

"Hi." I greet

"Hi." He sits down next to me and I take out my ear buds. This time, I know its not a mistake.

"Whats up?" I ask. He seems flustered.

"I um... a few people found out."

"Found what out? Drew whats going on?" Neither of us had told anyone we were a thing yet, but if people looked hard enough, they could probably tell. Its not like it would be a big deal anyway.

"Dance. I think someone found out. Who did you tell?!"

"What? No one! Drew! You know I wouldnt do that!"

"Well youre the only one I told!"

"Someone probably saw you! Or someone was in the class with you! Or something! Drew, I didnt tell anyone!"

"I cant believe I trusted you." He mutters under his breath. "Whatever." He says to me, standing up.

"Drew please." I grab his arm, tears brimming in my eyes. He shakes me off.

"Just please dont talk to me right now."











I sit down in English. Next to Drew. He's cold to me, and doesnt speak to me.

"Drew." I whisper. "Please"

He shakes his head. I look down at the desk. Miss Thompson starts calling names for their presentations. For once in my miserably attentive student life, I dont listen to them. I focus all my energy on not crying.

Miss Kratzer calls Drew next. I pick my head up, and smile weakly at him. He looks away and walks up to the front of the class. People whisper around the room. One of the irritatingly popular rude girls, Maya, speaks up,"Look guys! Its the gay dancer f**!" A few people laugh. Another person chimes in,"Maybe he's going to tell us how many chicks you can pick up if youre a dancer! Oh wait, he doesnt even like girls!" I cringe at the terribly thought out "joke" while others laugh. More people add their thoughts. I see tears well up in Drew's eyes as he runs out. "I bet he went to chase his straight-ness!!" Yells some idiotic oaf. Miss Kratzer stands up to yell at them. Its about time.

I get up and run in the direction Drew went. I dont even care. I run. I find him slumped down by some lockers. "Drew." I whisper.

"It wasnt you..." He replies.

I smile, then stop. "Who was it? I'll beat them up." I offer.

"I bet it was Maya."

Maya is possibly one of the least nice people you could ever fathom. And she also, unfortunately, happens to be a dancer.

"I didnt even know she went here." He said. "And I didnt know who she was anyway. I only recognized her voice, honestly."

"Well, when she takes off the nine pounds of makeup, she looks a little different."

"A little is quite the understatement."

"I am aware."

"Im sorry. For blaming you, you know."

"I know, its okay. I mean, it wasnt really okay. But it is now."

"You sure?"

I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tightly. I try and repeat what he did in the store the other day. I lean into him, closing my eyes, and we kiss. I dont know what Im doing, causing me to end the kiss, what I think is prematurely.

"Im positive Drew Fosters."

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