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ateez x Valentine's Day because im one day late 😳 (3/8)

the bell of the convenience store rung. it was exactly 3:45 in the morning. at this time, every single night, a man would walk into your store and buy exactly a bag of chips and a sprite. this went on for about five months already to the point you learned his name, yunho. you couldn't lie, he was cute. once you were off the night shift, you would go back to your apartment, which he lived one floor above you. the both of you exchanged hi's if you saw each other and sometimes he even came over when if he was bored or just needed someone to gossip to but that was it.

but suddenly, it stopped about a week ago

he didn't come in on the early morning of Valentine's Day, which made you wonder what was he doing. he may be running late since it was only 3:50. you shrugged it off. but you really got worried since your night shift was about to end. you'd glance at the clock every now and then.

3:50, not here

4:00 nope

4:30, nada

your shift ended in thirty minutes but still no yunho. maybe he forgot? maybe. or he was fucking somebody. you didn't know but you cared.

"hello?" you were snapped out of your trance as a customer, that wasn't yunho, snapped in your face.

"erm, sorry." you said and immediately began ringing up their items. the person chuckled.

"something on your mind?"

you shook your head.

"just someone. i just want to tell them that i like them but im just shy you know?" you said bagging his items. "also $5.99 for the stuff."

"well tomorrow-actually today-is Valentine's Day. you should tell them once you get the chance. if you do, I wish you luck!" he said handing you the money. you bagged his stuff and gave it to him.

"thanks, uh..."

"call me mingi." the boy said smiling.

"thanks, mingi."

"have a good Valentine's Day and good luck with your crush!" and with that, mingi walked out.

you checked the clock one more time


your shift was ending in five minutes and it was about time for your shift to be over. you locked the door so you could change from your work shirt.

after locking up the doors to the convenience store, you walked home since it was literally right around the corner. you changed into your pajamas and went to sleep for the night...well morning

you woke up at about eleven in the morning. you planned on doing nothing since you were single. yeah, your mom may have bought you some chocolate and a bear, and the bear was your only company as you sat on your couch eating the chocolates your mom bought and watching whatever shows that came on.

"want some?" you said, handing your bear a piece of chocolate.

yeah, you were definitely single.

there was a knock on your door, causing you to get up from your comfortable position.

"what?" you said clearly annoyed. you regretted opening the door immediately instead of looking through the peephole first.

there stood yunho, looking more boyfriend material than ever.

"woah there." he giggled at you.

"hi." you scratched the back of your neck and waved. "you didn't come this morning."

"i know." you felt kinda offended at his words but oh well. you finally noticed that he had something behind his back.

"what's that?" you said, pointing at his arm.

"these?" he pulled the flowers from behind his back. "they're for you." you took the flowers from his hands.

"thank you so much."

"yeah, its kind of a thank you for letting me in your store gift." he smiled to himself.

"wanna come in?"

"i just spend my valentines alone each year. it's not that big of a deal." you looked down, eating the last bit of ice cream out of yours and yunhos carton.

"well it should be spent with the ones you love or like dearly."


then the silence took over.

"hey." yunho broke the silence.


"can i kiss you?"

the question took you aback. you couldn't get yourself to look yunho in the eyes but you could tell he was looking at you.

"um, i guess."

you both inches closer and closer to each other. you felt his breath on your lips (damn this is cliche) and finally closed the space between you two. it was almost immediate when you felt his hands wrap around you. he pulled away, still close to you.

"i like you." he whispered against your lips.

"i like you too."

then, y'all went back to kissing, eventually getting lost in each other's lips.


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