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During dinner all of Najeeb's attention is focused on his wife. He is over the moon with joy knowing that Deeni is a female friend.

Now that he's suspicion that Sameerah is in love with someone has been cleared, he will confess his love and tell her how he truly feels for her. He looked at her and realize that she hardly touched her food

"Sweery" he said and touched her shoulder lightly. She looked up at him and gave him a smile that instantly warmed his heart. "What's wrong? You're only turning your fork around, are you feeling okay?" He asked and placed his hand on her forehead to feel her temperature

"Nothing's wrong I'm fine" she said as she took a chunk of salad with her fork and ate.

"Maybe I should feed you" Najeeb said and took a spoonful of couscous from his plate

She laughed lightly saying "I'm fine really, I just lost my appetite"

"Okay let's do this, I'll feed you my couscous while you feed me your chicken salad, so open your mouth"

Sameerah nodded while smiling widely, she opened her mouth and allowed him to feed her.

"Aren't they cute" Nandine whispered to Hamid who was sitting next to her but has his gaze fixed on Sukainah, who is chatting freely with DY who in turn has his attention on Sameerah.

After everyone has finished dinner they all moved to the sitting room

"Wow Sameerah dinner was amazing" Hamid said and turned to Najeeb "my friend you are one lucky man I tell you"

"Oh yes I am" Najeeb said and they both laughed

"Sameerah is amazing in everything not only cooking. She is the right definition of perfection" DY said while looking at Sameerah

"Really??" Nandine asked "and how would you know that"

He smiled coyly "believe me I know"

Sukainah looked at DY suspiciously trying to read meaning into his words and the way he kept staring at Sameerah all night but before she could say anything Najeeb spoke

"Well that makes me the most luckiest guy to walk the earth." He said and pulled Sameerah closer into him "and my guy you should stop staring at my wife like that" he said giving DY a hard stare while he tighten his grip on her, some how marking his territory

Everyone was silent for a minute when Hamid broke the silence saying "Sukainah do you mind making me a cup of coffee?" He asked sweetly

"Of course" she said mesmerized by the way he called her name, she stood up still looking at him, she asked "how do you like your coffee?

Hamid smiled and said "black with sugar"

Oh my God, what is wrong with me all of a sudden? What is this I felt deep within me when Ya Hamid called my name. Sukainah thought to herself as she headed to the kitchen, she turned only to see him staring at her and smiling with so much affection.

She quickly entered the kitchen and texted Sameerah and Nandine

Sameerah who has her head laying on her husband's chest listening to the way his heart beats, she felt she could stay like this forever.

I'm madly, crazily and deeply in love with this guy, she thought to herself, as her phone chimed indicating that she got a text.

"SOS kitchen now" that was what the text said and it was from Sukainah

She tried to pull away but Najeeb pulled her back into his arm. She smiled and whispered in his ear "Sukainah needs me in the kitchen"

He groaned inwardly then kissed her on her cheek before letting her go

She got to the kitchen and saw Sukainah pacing up and down and Nandine sitting on the kitchen aisle stools looking at Sukainah as she paced

"So what is the SOS about?" Sameerah asked no one in particular

"Have a sit" Nandine said patting the stool next to her "she is assimilating" she added

"Oh I see" was all Sameerah said as she sat down. They all know Sukainah very well before she does anything, she first of all have to take in everything and understand it fully.

"Before she is done doing whatever she is doing" Nandine turned to Sameerah making a dramatic gesture with her hands "what's up with that your husband's friend Hamid? I kept giving him the famous Nandi move and he kept ignoring me and you know very well no one ignores the famous Nandi move"

Sameerah burst out laughing so hard she almost fell off her stool

"He didn't fall for the famous Nandi move because he has eyes for someone else"

"Ahan that says it" she said "who is the lucky girl cos gaskiya guy din ya hadu like seriously"

"Sukainah is the girl after his heart" Sameerah blurted out

"What?" Sukainah said and stopped in her tracks

"Yes Suki, Ya Hamid has been in love with you for ages"

"Who told you that?" Sukainah asked

"He did" Sameerah replied "in our second year in the university" knowing Sukainah she will ask how long have she known about it

She looked at Sameerah with eyes wide open "and you didn't see the need to tell me"

"Ya Hamid ask me not to, infact he made me promise not to tell you because to him it's easier to deal with unrequited love than deal with the pain of rejection"

"You lucky bitch" Nandine said "the guy is hot, if you don't want him please let me have him" she joked and they all laughed

"But seriously jokes apart, you two will make a fine couple." Nandine said

"Yeah, of course they'll make a perfect couple. Suki please give Ya Hamid a chance, forget about DY he's a douchebag and you know that." Sameerah said

Sukainah sighed and sat down "you know back when I was growing I always thought of Ya Hamid as my knight with the shining armor but he never showed interest in me, in fact he's always ignoring me and then I had to convince myself that it was all childish infatuation"

"I ignored you back then because I thought you were little" Hamid interjected he came to check on Sukainah with his coffee and why it was taking so long. "and you wouldn't understand my feelings for you so I decided to wait until you've come of age but the day I came to you to profess my love to you was the day you couldn't shut your mouth about how much you love that clawn of a boyfriend you had, what's his name again Sa'ad" he said smiling as he walked over to Sukainah and took her hand

"I love you so much Sukainah"

"I've always loved you too, right from the beginning"

"Today is the most happiest day of my life and I'll have to marry you soon and make you mine because I've waited for far too long." Hamid said

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