Chapter 9 - The Final Match(part 2)

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- Amy POV -
I woke up to the sunlight shining brightly through my windows and the alarm clock ringing continuously. I couldn't get out of the bed. I'm so sick and tired of the school drama happening in my life the past few days. I continued lying my bed and also, my rants and thoughts. I laid there for about 5 minutes until I realised I was late and I jumped out of bed and rush over to slip on any jeans and sneakers I could grab and rushed to school.

- In school -
"Amy McCurdy!" Mr. Grier shouted across the foyer, "How many times do you wanna be late this month?!"

All eyes turned my way when he shouted my name.

I was so embarrassed to even mouth out any words.

"Come into my office!" I followed Mr.Grier into his office.

"Great, another detention day for me, have to clean the hallway today after everyone leaves school. Ugh! When can I just not oversleep?" I was so engrossed in the conversation between me and my mind until I almost forgot I WAS ACTUALLY ALREADY LATE FOR CLASS HOLY FREAKING BULLSHIT! I dashed to Biology class after "waking up".


The last school bell rang before school finally ends!

I walked over to my cupboard and was sinking deep into my thoughts on what I should have for lunch...

"Hey! Watch it!" Becka shouted when I almost bumped into "The Princess".

"So sorry!" I mouthed to Gigi with that apologetic expression.

"Listen up! Don't turn up tonight ok. Don't be a jinx and unlucky star for Cody tonight, alright?" Kim said sternly in my face, I could almost feel her stinky garlic breath.

"Stop it! Don't do that to her!" Gigi pulled both of them to her back. "Just please.... Stay as far from Cody as possible. I had enough of the rumours going on in the school about both of you being together behind my back! I'm sure you don't want a bad reputation of being a third party do you?" Gigi warned me before she left with those dead glares shooting at me.

I turned around to see the attention I had for that one minute. I couldn't lift my head up.... "Such embarrassment..." I thought to myself as I grab my books from my locker and head over to the library to get my homework done before waiting for everyone to leave the school for my detention punishment.

- 5:30pm -
*yawns* I woke up with the books all over, I actually fell asleep after completing my homework. I took out my phone to actually checked the time.... "5:30PM!!! How long have I been sleeping! Omgosh! I bet everyone have already left school since hours ago!!" I panicked and rushed down to the office to get the bucket and mop.

- 6.40pm -
I took about an hour to clear up the hallway. I went over to my locker to place back some of my books, and than I realised that there's actually a slip of note in there, "Hope to see you tonight! Your presence and support means a lot! See you @ 6! -Cody."

I finally realised why there isn't anyone in the hallway because everyone is at the field watching the finals tonight...

I take a look over to my phone, "6:45PM! Gosh! Should I go? But I was told not to go.... No! I was also asked to be there!" I hesitated before rushing to the field.

I saw Gigi being the cheerleader captain together with her two best friends and the other popular cliques in the team beside the field cheering and jumping up and down, all over...

Taking a seat at the last row, still panting from the run... Just watching how Cody leads and guides his team.

"Monfort High School is leading by 10 points! Oh look at their captain number 10, Mark Wyatt! Mark is leading his team so well! Oh! Touchdown!!!!" the commentator shouted in excitement. "Let's just see if Stanford High can actually win back and catch up with their strong and mighty captain number 17, Cody Simpson!"

- Cody POV -
"Hey Cody! What is wrong with you?! Do you really want the team to lose?" Matt shouted in anger. "Wake up Cody!" Caleb said calmly.

Everyone's unhappy about the lost in the first half, but I don't really care... I just wanna know where is AMY FREAKING MCCURDY!

I was still looking hard around for Amy when we stepped on the field for the second half.... And there I saw the beautiful brown hair girl with a big wide smile, smiling and waving at me, giving me that thumbs up sort of encouragement.

"Amy, this is for you." I whispered to myself and smiled back, giving her the thumbs up too.

I wanted Amy to not regret coming to watch me play, I want her to watch me win... And I will!

- End of 2nd Half -
"Woooooohoooo! That's the way Cody! Good job! Nice touchdown there! Good performance everyone! Do rest early and well tonight, big treat from me tomorrow!" Coach Carter pat our backs. Everyone got super excited and cheered loudly.

We thrashed the opponent in the second half and won the championship title, but all I want most now, is to share my joy with Amy...

"Hey! I'm so proud of you baby!" Gigi ran in and jumped on me giving me a peck on my lips.

"Ooooooooo. So many light bulbs here.... We better all leave!" Matt and the rest teased us and laughed away as they all walk out of the changing room.

"Woah chill!" I put Gigi down. "I have something important to tell you....." I said in a serious tone.

"Yes hun?" Gigi smiled.

"We.... Will have to part for awhile."

That's all for this chapter! Cliff hanger haha! Opps! I know this chapter sucks but..... Just bear with me for awhile more!
I'm sorry for writing bullshit. I don't watch football/rugby, but guys who play that game is hot. I mean some. So I chose that game for Cody to be in. So I don't actually know how football or rugby the scoring point systems but I just bullshit it out. Don't judge me ok..... :( So erm..... I added Matt, a new character... Cody's bestie. Go over to my "Main cast" chapter to know why I add him and what who he play as. Hmm...... Amy is actually...... BECKI G!!!

Do you think Cody will break up with Gigi? SEE THE NEXT CHAPTER HAHA BYE!!! Love you guys <3

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