Chapter 16

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Stone fidgeted at his desk. He tried to concentrate on the ledger in front of him, but the workroom was too quiet even though he'd piped in some music over the comm channel. His mind kept returning to the last hour he'd spent with Jack on Argolas. He hadn't wanted the chanja game to end. They'd laughed and joked, careful not to talk about a certain bounty on Jack's head. Zor and his friends weren't exactly enamored of Corona. They paid their taxes, kept their noses clean. Most were honest businessmen who wouldn't shed a tear if Corona fell.

"Cap'n," Arlee pinged from the bridge. "May I?"

Stone was glad for the distraction and invited Arlee to join him.

"I think you'll want to see this," Arlee said.

Stone knew that raised-brow look too well. Whatever he was about to see, he wouldn't like.

Arlee shot a data feed to Stone's monitor.

Text spilled across the Corona stream. Jack. Of course it had to concern Jack.

"Damn." He had to find him.

Arlee was well aware of his growing feelings for Jack. He cleared his throat. "Isn't this where I'm supposed to remind you how poorly your last relationship ended?"

"Did I tell you—"

"It was definitely an order, Ben."

Stone laughed. "My selective memory kicking in, remembering the good times." His self-deprecating laugh hid deep pain, but Arlee knew that Stone's spirit had been crushed by wine merchant Robbie Fawkes.

"You mean the good sex," Arlee said, "which you can get at any port of call, and you know it."

That described Stone's life before Robbie. Cheap tricks, fun times, no commitments. Always a warm bed, but an empty one come morning. Something was missing. When Robbie came into his life, he thought he'd found it.

"That's not who I am now." And I don't want to go back.

"You're right. But you've known Jack for what, a week?"

"Jack is different. I want to get to know him."

Arlee blew out a breath. "Don't forget all those weeks apart. Colonists help us! You were an ass to work with then."

That was true, but not until he started to suspect Robbie's flings. So much for claiming his undying devotion. Robbie couldn't control his appetite. It's just sex. I don't love any of those men.

Stone's jealousy had kicked in, then anger. And then the hurt. He hadn't been with anyone in two years.

"Jack is going back home," Arlee said. "And he's wanted by Corona."

"That's just a temporary glitch. And I know you're just looking out for me."

Arlee shook his head. "And when he cheats on you?"

Ignoring the implication that people could be scum, Stone focused on the stream. "Can we get a confirmation on this from another source?"

"Already on it," Arlee replied.

Stone clicked on the bridge comm. "Danner, contact Pike Rariganio. See if he can locate Jack Gamble." Pike had offered Jack a berth for the night and suggested he keep a low profile until they were on their way. But Jack wouldn't want to be cooped up in a tiny windowless cabin on a hauler until he was ready to close his eyes for the night. "Never mind. I think I know where to find him. Tell Arlee to ping me with that confirmation."

He raced to the lift. It couldn't take him fast enough to the hatch. He ran down the ramp and shot across the landing bay. Jack's ride to Idris Trace wasn't scheduled to depart for another twenty hours. He'd be spending his last few hours in a place with a great view—the observation deck.

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