Chapter 34

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Jack needed no further signals to tell him the resistance plan was unfolding. He wasn't sure why Tic and Saber chose to bomb the hangars, but trusted their judgment. The majority of Galilei's crusaders were out of the picture, only a small number airborne. Ben and Arlee had control of ODP-1, and had brought down the first of the crusaders.

Jack grabbed the blasters from the tool box, slipping one to Hummel. He gave a quick nod that said me, right, you left, and they both rushed the Galilei men.

"Step away from the command chair, Senior Captain." Jack suspected Lirrani and others on duty knew about a blaster hidden in the arm panel. Costarossa would know too, and that could come in handy.

Hummel was a big guy, intimidating even without a weapon in his hand. But he trained his X-4 at Costarossa. No need to reveal which side she worked for. Not yet.

Jack aimed his T-88s on the security chief. He flicked one from Berg to Costarossa, knowing from standing operating procedure that no one else in the Ops Center was armed. "Weapons. Slowly."

Both complied with the order and relinquished their blasters to Hummel. Jack searched the others' faces for signs of defiance. He wasn't interested in killing anyone today, but cocked his head toward Hummel. "My friend is a very good shot. Don't make him show you." He waved his '88 at them. "Everyone, hands where I can see them. Comms, stay where you are. The rest of you, move. Over there." He pointed to the front of the room. "Get comfortable. We may be here a while."

Berg scrutinized him, his eyes burning. "Who are you?"

Jack tucked one blaster under his arm and removed the wig and nose. Lirrani recognized him immediately and cursed under her breath. Berg was seconds behind. "Jack Gamble?"

Every eye in the place widened, and Costarossa played along.

Hummel tapped his digipad and the SITS Board came back to life. Two more crusaders blipped out, and the Riga cruiser Patriot was clearly within striking distance of Torredo. There was no sign of the Pride of Galilei.

"You're insane, Gamble," Lirrani said. "There's a lot more to winning a war than taking over Ops."

"Not much, Captain. Norse taught me a helluva lot." Jack cleaned the makeup from his face, and then glanced at the darkened windows of Norse's office. "Speaking of that traitor..."

"The only traitor here is you." Droga growled, but followed Jack's gaze.

"Fooled you too." Jack stared past the lieutenant, momentarily lost in his thoughts. It would do no good to dwell on the past.

Nothing in Lirrani's narrowed-eyed expression hinted she knew Norse had slipped away. The other Ops Center personnel frowned, confused. Time to burst their hope that Norse would come blazing out of the office to rescue them.

"Sergeant Costarossa—" Jack pointed from her to Norse's office—"would you confirm that Norse has left the premises?"

Costarossa looked horrified. Jack needed to keep her in the line of fire, at least let Berg and the others think that.

"But...but..." Costarossa's voice shook. She played the part perfectly, though maybe it wasn't so much an act. She believed Norse was behind those doors, maybe even thinking the bastard would take a hostage, kill her, just as he'd killed Densiger.

"I'll do it," Berg said.

Jack covered his surprise. Did the man have a heart? More likely, he wanted to see if Norse had a couple of blasters handy.

"Sit down and shut up, Berg." Jack aimed his T-88 at Costarossa. "Now."

Jack wished he could tell her Norse was long gone. He didn't want to think about when or where he'd turn up. And he would reappear. That thought was both terrifying and something Jack craved.

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