Milkshake and Cake

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Penelope and Clarence were sat next to each other for their next lesson, it was a really boring textbook lesson as their teacher wasn't in so it was a sub standing in. They were writing down answers to questions when Clarence sighed softly, taking his glasses off.

"This is so boring" he said softly 

"I know, I'm a little stuck on this question" Penelope answered back, Clarence leaned closer to her to look at the question

"Oh that's easy, here let me show you" he offered taking her taking her book away to write in it "Okay so you need to get this answer, so all you need to do is divide this by that number and then times it by two and that will give you the answer" he explained smiling at her as he gave her back her book.

"Okay, thank you I would have never got that if you hadn't explained it" Penelope thanked him returning a smile.

Clarence's hand moved closer to hers, he almost touched her before clearing his throat and moving his hand away. Penelope noticed and leaned towards him more to fill in the gap. They stayed like that in comfortable silence until it was time to pack away their things at the end of the lesson.

"Hey, so I was wondering...did you want to go somewhere after school, and hang out for a little, I uh, I know a diner not far from here that does the most amazing milkshakes, that is if you want milkshake..they do other things as well like, cakes and things" Clarence stuttered, running a hand through his hair nervously, "So much for being cool" he thought to himself.

Penelope giggled giving him a small smile he thought was kind of cute

"I'd love to, do you want to meet me by the bleachers after our next lesson and we can go there together" she suggested

"Uhh, yeh, yeah great I'll see you there" he said looking relieved as he led her out of the classroom and walked her to her next class "Well, I guess I'll see you in an hour" he told her with a little blush

"I'll be there don't worry" she assured him "You should get going, you don't want to be late" 

"Oh, right well see you" he said before running off to his last class, Penelope watched him go unable to keep the grin off her face.

The next hour felt like the slowest hour of their lives, waiting for a bell that wasn't coming was almost torture. Clarence kept drumming his feet nervously, he had no idea what had possessed him to ask this  girl out, there was just something about her he couldn't get out of his head. She was different to the other girls, not bad different but she was sort of quietly beautiful, she didn't flash her looks around the school like all the popular girls who you could see coming a mile away just by their confidence alone. Don't get him wrong he liked looking at them and they were pretty girls, but there was something that they lacked for him. Penelope however didn't need to waltz around the school, showing off and wearing enough make up and perfume around the school to cause a gas cloud, there was also something mysterious about her that had drawn him to her, she was sweet and shy and he yearned to know more about her.

Fortunately his daydreaming made time go faster and after hearing the bell he was racing to the bleachers as fast as he could, as promised Penelope was sat there waiting for him. He breathed out shakily, tidying himself up a little before approaching her. As soon as she saw him coming she smiled and stood up to see him.

"Hey" she greeted him sweetly

"Hey" he replied back with a nervous smile "Ready to go?" he asked her

"Mmm, never been readier" she answered happily, wrapping her arm in his as they walked to the diner.

After a brisk walk to the diner, they sat down in one of the booths next to the window and at Clarence's persistence he got up and paid for both of their drinks and a slice of cake for them both. The waitress came back with two plates with a slice of chocolate cake and two glasses of milkshake, she had strawberry and he had chocolate.

"My Mom, Dad and I used to come up here all the time when I was a kid, there's a little park a few blocks from here where I used to play, we'd always get dinner here" he said with a smile of nostalgia as he tucked into his cake.

"That sounds perfect" Penelope sighed enviously, she'd never had that, her Mom and Dad were always way to busy to take her out anywhere, so she spent most of her time playing in her room or in the garden until dinner time.

"What about you, where did you used to play when you were a kid?" Clarence asked curiously 

"Nowhere special, usually at parents were always very busy working a lot, we didn't have a lot of money back then, and even less now" she sighed sadly looking down.

"Hey its okay, I understand" he reassured reaching over to hold her hand, making Penelope tremble a little in excitement 

"You do?" she asked him staring into his mesmerising, blue eyes 

"Of course I do, as long as your family loves you and is there for you that's the most important thing right" 

Penelope nodded unsure what else to say, her family rarely gave her the time of day and yet here was this boy whose sole attention was focused on her.

"I've got to ask you something" she tells him abruptly

"Okay, go for it?" he enquired looking at her expectantly 

"You could have asked any one of those girls out if you wanted to, I see the way they all stare at you, why did you pick me?" she asked confused,  Clarence grinned at her.

"Because your different from the other girls and I find that, and you, very attractive" he answered her truthfully making a small blush creep up her face

"Really?" she asked him with a gasp

"You bet" he told her with a nod, kissing her hand gently.

"I like you too" she said shyly 

"Glad to hear, how about I get us another slice of cake before I walk you home?"" he suggested 

"O,Okay" she nodded making him chuckle

They spent the rest of the evening talking and laughing at each others jokes and stories until it was time for Penelope to catch her bus home, Clarence walked her to the bus stop and waited with her until the bus came. They exchanged numbers and Penelope promised to call him as soon as she got home.

"Okay, well I'll see you tomorrow I guess" Clarence said looking disappointed that their time together had come to an end

"Okay" she said smiling up at him

Clarence stared back before almost impulsively leaning in and kissing her on the lips softly before pulling away just as quickly

"I'll see you tomorrow Penny" he said quickly not sure if he was supposed to do that, instead of replying she just grabbed his jacket and pulled him back for another kiss.

"Hey kids, are you getting on or not?" the bus driver interrupted impatiently

"Mmm, oh yeah sorry" Penelope giggled before looking back at Clarence sheepishly "See you later okay" she said before getting on the bus home and waving to him as they drove off, not able to keep the grin off her face.

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