Thinking About Him

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Penelope skipped all the way home, her lips still tingling from the kiss Clarence had given her, she felt so giddy like she had breathed in the helium from a balloon. She wanted to call him as soon as she got back, there were so many things she wanted to do with him reeling through her head it was making her excited just thinking about it.

She entered her house and was greeted by a glass bottle being thrown which narrowly missed her head, she yelped backing up against the door as her father came marching towards her. his face was beetroot red, the veins in his temple were all sticking out, he looked like one of those monsters from the books she liked to read. She immediately quivered in fear as he looked at her menacingly.

"What time do you call this?" he roared at her, was it really that late? she thought, she could have sworn it had only been a couple of hours but as she looked at the time she realised how late it was.

"I, I'm sorry father I lost track of time, I was doing my homework in the library and I must have forgotten to set my timer and stayed there longer than usual" she stammered trying her best to get out of trouble, unfortunately her father still slapped her hard across the cheek making her cry out as her cheek stung instantly.

"You stupid girl, your mother spent hours preparing this lovely dinner for you and you repay her by coming home after its gone home!" he yelled at her turning his back on her walking away to the cupboard under the stairs and pulling something out.

"Well, I suppose we'll just have to teach you a lesson won't we, now come here" he ordered her sternly, brandishing a long bamboo cane in his hand, Penelope fell to the floor on her knees.

"Please father, I'll do anything you want to make it up to you...I'll do the dishes, I'll clean the house, I'll do anything at all just please don't hurt me again" she pleaded to him looking up at her fathers enraged face.

"I said come here!" he shouted again grabbing her arm roughly and throwing her onto the floor, the wood scraped the skin off her knees and her other cheek making her moan in pain. She didn't have much time to think about that as his beast-like hands tore her shirt off exposing her flesh.

He lifted up the cane and with a heartless swing of his arm the cane connected to the skin on Penelope's back and she howled in pain, he did it again over and over until she lost count of how many hits she had endured. Her father threw it away with a deep growl before looking at his dishevelled daughter on the floor, she didn't even have the breath to cry anymore her throat was so raw from screaming so much and so loudly.

"I hope you've learned your lesson now young lady, next time you are out what are you going to do?" he growled moving her face roughly to look at him, squeezing her jaw tightly to hurt her even more.

"I'll come home on time, I promise father" she trembled, her eyes were so teary she couldn't even see him properly.

"Good, now get out of my sight so I can clear up the mess you made me make" he snarled pushing her away.

Penelope wasted no time getting out of there, scampering up the stairs as fast as she could and grabbing her towel to get in the shower, she sat down in the bathtub letting the water run down her back helping to ease the pain a little bit. She just sat still and cried helplessly, her perfect evening had been ruined by her fathers malicious ways yet again.

"Clarence would never have let this happen" she thought to herself as her mind wondered back to him and how he would have protected her from fathers barbaric attacks, she envisioned Clarence running to her aid, pushing her father aside and carrying her away from this hell hole she lived in.

Her fantasy was interrupted by a loud bang at the door and her fathers gruff voice sounded on the other side making her tense up straight away 

"You better not be in there much longer girl or you will be punished more and this time I won't go easy on you" he threatened her before walking away. Penelope let out a scared breath and finished up her shower hurriedly, not wanting to enrage her fathers beast anymore than she had, wrapping the towel around her she opened the door and bolted into her room locking the door behind her. 

Now she was in the comfort of her own room she felt like she could relax a little more, her room was her sanctuary, the only place her father could never hurt her. She dried herself off and put on some new pyjamas, they were soft ones that wouldn't rub on her fresh wounds to much, she sighed as she looked at her ripped shirt it was damaged beyond repair, not even she could sew that back up so she had no choice but to throw it away it saddened her in a way, she really liked the shirt but if she couldn't fix it there was nothing she could do, she'd have to wait until she had some money so she could get another one, probably in a charity shop as she couldn't afford any of the nicer clothes in those big shops. She tossed it in the corner of her room before getting under the covers of her bed and pulling out her phone to text Clarence.

Hey, I'm home now so you can stop panicking ;) she sent him almost instantly he replied 

Haha very funny, I'll see you in class tomorrow, goodnight Penny xxx he texted back, his new pet name for her made her stomach fill with butterflies 

Okay I'll see you tomorrow goodnight xxx  she replied before putting her phone away for the night.

She tried to get to sleep but couldn't stop thinking about Clarence, she was starting to feel aroused as she started thinking about the things she wanted to do to him. Before she knew it she was laying there naked, touching herself eagerly as she hit her climax, screaming his name into the pillow to muffle it so no one heard her, she rolled back over onto her back breathing heavily feeling astonished by how good that felt. 

She couldn't wait for tomorrow to come, so she could see her love, and her protector again, she fell asleep blissfully thinking about him again.

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