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Clarence had just finished football practice and was getting changed in the changing rooms hurriedly, he had promised to meet Penelope afterwards and was really looking forward to it, now he had a car which his dad had surprised him with he could really take her out for a nice date.

"Crumb, is it true your going out with that Penelope girl?" one of his teammates asked him looking amused, Clarence slammed his locker door shut threateningly before looking at him

"Yes I am if I'm honest" he told him eyeing him like he was waiting for him to say something funny "Is that a problem?" he asked him sternly making the other guy back off.

Despite the fact that he was smaller than most of his team, they all knew not to mess with Clarence he had a way of making even the biggest of men feel uneasy before even raising a fist, Clarence had learnt that body language could be the best form of defence when sensing trouble, use the right stance and facial expression and people can instantly feel intimidated without even having to raise a fist to fight.

"No, no, there's no problem..." the guy said quickly moving away slowly 

"Okay then can I go then?" he said trying to get past 

"Its just, I don't get it...your one step away from getting the quarterback position, you've got the looks and you got all the cheerleaders wanting to go out with you...and you settle for that, like why is that?" he asked Clarence confused, Clarence huffed turning around to face him again.

"I'm looking for more than just a pretty face Dan,what's it to you anyway?" he asked gruffly 

"Nothing, look I don't want to start anything alright...I was just curious, shes not an obvious choice for someone like you" he told him holding his hands up in surrender.

"Well stop being curious and let me be with who I want to be with, I don't want obvious, I want what's right for me, now if we're done I would very much like to be on my way to see my girlfriend as you've already kept her waiting for twenty minutes asking me these stupid questions" Clarence growled getting frustrated now, why couldn't they all just lay off the fact he was going out with Penelope.

"Okay, I'm sorry Crumb you can go, have fun on your date" Dan muttered walking away to avoid the confrontation.

With that out of the way Clarence was finally able to go and see Penelope who was waiting outside the school.

"Hey, what took you so long?" she asked walking over to him

"Nothing, just one of the guys was giving me a hard time" he told her with a sigh, Penelope looked at him and could tell he was troubled about what they had talked about.

"What was it about?" she asked him sweetly holding his hand in hers 

"They don't understand why a guy like me is going out with someone like you...they think I should be with a cheerleader or something" he told her frustratedly 

"Oh" Penelope whispered looking down nervously 

"Hey, Penny look at me" Clarence said in a soothing voice lifting her head up slowly to look at him again "I don't want any of those girls, I want you and only you" he told her bringing her in for a slow and passionate kiss. Penelope instantly melted into his touch as she wrapped her arms around his neck to deepen the kiss.

"You promise" she asked breathlessly 

"I promise" Clarence said defiantly going to kiss her again 

"Mmm, where should we go today?" she asked him with a big old smile on her face

"To the diner again and then maybe I'll take you to another favourite place of mine" he suggested to her walking her to his car.

"Sounds perfect" she nodded, walking hand in hand with him to the diner, they ordered their drinks and food and then spent the time talking, once they were all done Clarence drove her to the second part of their date.

"Come on could you please tell me where we're going please" she begged him wanting to know so badly where he was taking her 

"If I told you it would ruin the surprise wouldn't it" he chuckled at her leading her to the location "Besides we're nearly there" he said making her huff impatiently.

"Okay here we are" he said standing in front of a building. 

It was a little arcade with some old fashioned games inside plus some new ones as well to keep up with what was trending, it was a quaint little place but it had a lot of character from what she could see.

"So what do you think?" Clarence asked eager to know what she made of the place 

"Oh Clarence its beautiful, thank you" she said excitedly jumping in his arms as she kissed him giddily, Clarence grinned as he kissed her back

"Come on I'll show you around, I gotta warn you though I'm gonna wipe the floor with you on Pacman" he smirked confidently as they went inside.

"Whatever you say Clarence" Penelope replied looking just as confident.

"Haha I beat you" she exclaimed a few hours later looking at him all smug as his jaw dropped to the floor.

"But how? ones ever been able to beat me before" he said astounded "You must have cheated" he answered in the end.

"No I didn't...I won fair and square you big sore loser" she giggled clearly enjoying the fact that she had beaten him.

"Sore loser am I?" he said sternly looking at her all serious which just made her laugh even more

"Yep your a big sore loser Clarence Crumb" she smirked at him poking his chest, Clarence walked closer to her making her lean against the machine then before kissing her deeply again.

"If I'm such a sore loser than how come I've got you as my prize?" he asked her in a husky voice 

"Ooh your such a charmer" Penelope chuckled at him kissing him again with a moan, feeling his hard on through his pants. 

"I have my moments" he whispered in her ear, both of them starting to get turned on by their closeness, he moved away from her slowly lifting her off the machine "Come on lets go somewhere more private" he said deeply driving with her to a secluded spot he knew about in the area.  

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