A Betrayal

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A few weeks later Penelope had been very distant with Clarence since what had happened at home when her father had punished her. She hadn't wanted to be very close to him at all, which had taken a toll on their relationship, he was getting frustrated that despite what had happened she still kept going back to him instead of getting out, Penelope was getting frustrated with him for going on about it. He had invited her to his home for some respite and unfortunately the subject of her father had come up again.

"I've already told you I can't leave my mother with him" she yelled at him 

"What about you Penny, he's gonna end up killing you" Clarence snapped back 

"I know what I'm doing Clarence" she shrieked at him 

"Call the police at least, if you won't listen to me than at least listen to them" he said 

"Why do you care so much anyway, it isn't your problem" She screamed her face was so red 

"Because I love you Penny" he yelled back feeling so frustrated.

There was a tense silence that filled the air as they glared at each other neither one of them backing down. Eventually Clarence took a deep breath leaning on the wall, running a hand through his wavy brown hair.

"I need some fresh air, feel free to stay here if you like" he said softly before leaving the room and heading outside, Penelope collapsed onto the floor feeling exhausted after that fight as she broke down into tears.

Clarence had ended up on a bridge staring out over the water trying to calm his mind, he was so annoyed with the situation but also so guilty for making Penelope upset about it. He just couldn't stand there and let it happen anymore but he knew Penelope would never allow him to help, he was just so confused by everything.

"Let me guess, girlfriend trouble is it?" a girls voice said behind him he turned around to see Hayley from school 

"Haley what are you doing here?" he asked her in surprise she just giggled and leaned on the wall next to him 

"I saw you walking in quite a hurry , you looked so cute acting all flustered and frustrated" she said with a sweet smile 

"Gee thanks" he said with a sigh rubbing his tired eyes 

"So what is going on?" she asked him stroking the back of his head softly making him moan softly, he wasn't used to getting the affection so this was a pleasant surprise, before he leaned back.

"Just my girlfriend doesn't want my help with something and I can see it effecting her but for some reason she just won't accept my help and its just starting to get to me that's all" he explained, normally he wouldn't open up to a stranger about his personal problems but after so long of keeping it to himself he felt like he needed to tell someone.

"Aww that sounds rough, I mean who wouldn't want your help your so strong and handsome" Hayley mused her hand wondering around his body.

"Hey what are you doing?" he said jumping away realising what she was doing "I have a girlfriend, you shouldn't be doing this" he told her clearly shaken up by what she had done.

"Oh get over it sweetie, she's obviously not the right one for you" she smirked  waving his comments aside 

"I'm loyal to her and I don't need you to ruin my relationship with her" he said through gritted teeth his fists clenched.

"Clarence?" a small voice said behind them Clarence turned around to see Penelope with a confused expression looking at him and Hayley.

"Penny?" he said in a surprised voice 

"What are you doing with her?" she questioned looking so upset, Hayley started chuckling and walked right up beside him.

"Don't you get what's going on, your being replaced hun, he doesn't want you anymore" Hayley told her cruelly 

"What?" Penelope said in a shocked voice as her face fell,

"You heard me, he's done with you now" she said pulling Clarence to her and bringing him in for a kiss.

Clarence's brain took a while to catch up with what was happening only hearing Penelope's cries was enough to bring him back to reality, he pushed Hayley away turning around to see Penelope running away from them.

"Penny..." he called out to her turning to Hayley angrily "Why did you do that?" he snarled at her, Hayley just laughed at him.

"If I can't have you neither can she" she told him with a smirk walking  away, Clarence could not believe what had happened all he knew was that he had to explain what had happened to Penelope. 

He took off after her not sure where she could have gone, fortunately after searching for her for what felt like hours he found her in the park sat on a bench crying into her hands. He ran over to her and hugged her softly.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry" he whispered to her over and over, he heard her mumbling something between cries "What are you saying baby?" he asked her trying to figure out what she's saying.

"Go away!" she screams at him "I never want to see you again you hear me" she yelled at him pushing him away 

"Penny please it was a huge misunderstanding she did that to break us up, I want nothing to do with her" he tried to convince her desperately 

"No get away from me, you wanted her I saw her touching you" she cried at him pushing him again 

"Penny please don't do this, I love you" he said desperately 

"No you don't, stop lying to me...leave me alone, we're done" she told him running away from him again

"Penny please don't go..." he said running after her but losing her after she crossed the road before a load of traffic cut him off from her. Clarence sighed feeling devastated as he decided to walk home after looking for her again for a few more hours. 

He went into his room collapsing onto his bed and crying great big sobs feeling like a complete failure 

"I'm sorry Penny...I'm so sorry" he wept until he fell asleep


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2020 ⏰

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