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Peter was officially out of school, he had been waiting for the moment he'd graduate from high school and move on to college but Tony had other plans.

"Peter! Stephen and I are waiting for you." They were currently standing in the living room. Stephen was reading as he waited and Tony just couldn't wait to see peter. Yes, he'd be moving out of the house but Tony was planning something big.

"Hey dads!" Peter hugged Tony then Stephen. Peter's hug with Tony was tight and long. They pulled away from each other, Tony looked at Stephen and smiled. "Alright Peter, I just want to say that you won't be going to college, as a matter of fact, the future of the stark industry is now in your hands." Peter's eyes widen as the words "stark industry" come out of his dad's mouth. Peter was about to cry. He always wanted to go to college but the opportunity was much bigger.

Stephen was surprised himself, Tony had not said anything to him. "Wow Tony that I was not expecting." Stephen places his hand on peters shoulder, "so what do you say champ?" Peter nodded yes and then hugged both of them. "Thank you thank you thank you!" He whispered. Then he went to his room, now empty and left a note, he created a lie saying he was going to check out his room for the last time before leaving. He left a note explaining how much love he felt for both of his dads and he wanted to thank them and he left them money.

Peter came running down the stairs and hugged his dad's one last goodbye and left the house waving. And he drove off, he was gone. Tony missed him already, he hugged his husband then sobbed in happiness and sadness. "Sh Sh it's ok" Stephen comforted his husband then left to see Peter's room.

Stephen was in complete shock when he entered his room. "Wow." His room was covered with spider webs but it was different, seemed more resistant and it was really shiny. Stephen could already imagine it in the moonlight. The webs created an image, it was them peter, Tony and Stephen himself. Stephen missed peter he wanted him back. "Oh Peter, I love you so much." Stephen sobbed then noticing the note on his desk.

Dear papa and dada,

Stephen was crying just by reading the title. He remembered how young peter called him that.

I just wanted to say thank you, I can't thank you both enough, for everything you've done with me I will miss you two and hopefully, y'all will too. I love you so much and thank you, you guys matter so much to me and I promise I will behave and also wade will be there for me he will care for me so no worries there right? Anyways I love you both and I'll come and visit when I can. Until next time, Peter Parker.

"Oh Peter, I will miss you." Stephen has never gotten so emotional. The cloak of levitation cane and comforted him. Tony came into the room after crying and sobbing, then he noticed a body that was sobbing on the ground with a red blanket covering it. "Stephen?" Stephen shifted his body, trying to make it seem like he wasn't crying. "Are you ok?" He patted Stephens back then stood him up. "I just miss him I don't want to imagine a life without our peter." "I know I know, but he's a man now and he is going to start his own family, somehow with wade and he'll visit us and it'll be all good. Remember we got to look on the bright side." Stephen nodded and tony wiped his tears and they went to eat dinner. Definitely not to celebrate but to enjoy themselves and with peter a good life.

Yay Another chapter. Hope you enjoyed........😊

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