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Stephen woke up first. That wasn't anything unusual since that was a custom. "Tony, hey honey, um do you want breakfast?" Tony groans, leaving it clear that he wants to be left alone.  "Hm." Stephen continues his morning and leaves a note to tony.
-Hey love, I wanted to say that I'm going to go to the nearest coffee shop, you can come over when you wake up since I don't plan on leaving this place. If you can join me as soon as possible because I need to talk. I love you-
Tony woke up about half an hour after Stephen had left. He woke up and got ready, he wore some shorts and a flowered loose shirt. He got his sunglasses and headed to the coffee shop.

"Steph," Tony said waving. He gave his husband a kiss and sat across him. "So, why'd you leave?" Tony looked at him with a questionable look. Stephen stayed silent for a minute then gave him a soft smile, signaling that he was ok. "I was just not feeling it. Yesterday's nightmare affected me. And I appreciated that you comforted me because I really needed that." Tony Gave him a comforting smile. "And then I wanted coffee but I didn't want to wake you so then I came here so that we could take advantage of the vacation. Plus, we're supposed to have a good time right?" "Yea, just tell me if you don't feel good so that we can go to the hotel and take a break ok?" They talked a bit more. "Soo..." Tony said trying to break the silence. " you weren't serious about, 'not leaving the rest of the day right?' Because if so you're gonna have to stay here while I go to the beach" Tony said smiling. Stephen laughed. "Oh, right I nearly forgot." They'd good up and paid the coffee and left the shop. "Did you walk here?" Tony asked. "Yea. You?" "I did too." They walked together to the resort room.

They got ready for the beach, the day was still young. The time was 3:37 pm. "Yo Tony, you want to leave a little later, I don't know the beach is probably very full and uh the sun's rays are to their extreme right now." "I don't about you but I'm trying to get a tan" Tony winked at Stephen, he just rolled his eyes playfully. Tony also thought that Stephen was a cutie especially when he chuckled, but he didn't seem to be himself that day.

They had FINALLY decided to go to the beach and stayed there for the rest of the day. There was splashing and 'drowning me in the waves. And Stephen did what he had promised. He used his power to make them be able to breathe underwater. They were having the time of their lives. Tony would sneak up in Stephen underwater and the fact that he even got startled was funny. Once they finally got out of the water they sat near the huge boulders near the ocean, far from the crowd. "Mm~ that was nice," Stephen said. Tony just got closer to his husband. "You know I love you right?" Tony leaned closer and connected their lips. They laid down on a towel and there they stayed. The sun gave its last rays of the day. The breeze was getting cooler. "Come on, let's head over to the hotel," Stephen said, getting up. He noticed tony was sleeping. He chuckled and then grabbed him and holding him while making a portal. He put tony on the bed and took a shower, hoping he would be awake by the time he was done so he would take one too.

Tony woke up and was expecting to still be outside, to his surprise he was in bed. He heard water rushing in the bathroom. Then he got the idea. He started to undress and got in the shower with Stephen. "Tony! W-what are you doing!?" Tony just smiled. And leaned to Stephen. "Well, I just thought that maybe we needed a little time to ourselves. Stephen started to turn a bright shade of pink all over. "Um, as lovely as that sounds, I'm a bit t-tired, but I guess that we could-" tony interrupted him with a kiss, noticing how much he was struggling to get the words out. They started to make out in the shower. Stephen quickly turned off the water and they continued on the bed. "Mmh" Tony was getting touched everywhere. He didn't even take a proper shower but considering why they were doing they were gonna have to take one after all.

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