Chapter One- Meet and Greet

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Credit for picture: MaxTheWizard65

Trigger warning- Small mention of a female body, and a monster like creature

Shame, people can be so blind. It's as simple as to say, "I'm fine." That tricks everyones eye. The thing is, you say it because you know for a fact that they won't listen.

"Shh..." A voice spoke in a mother like voice, caressing the blondes face cheek. "It'll be alright." The blonde looked up, but then the figure and voice disappeared.

The blonde stood in her white and bright bathroom, looking into the mirror. Looking back at her, was a pink creature. The creature had short blonde hair, pure red eyes, horns like a rams, claws like a cat, teeth like a sharks, bruises like a beat down child. The creature wore black lipstick, the texture made her blank expression look like a smile on her round face. The blonde couldn't help but fear the creature herself. She shouldn't be afraid, fear is for the weak. Besides, she has seen this creature of some sorts her whole life. The thing practically tore her about with its judgemental comments and opinions.

Her blue eyes seemed bright to others when they see them, but yet so very empty when you look into them. They look at them, but never into them. Her blonde hair reached to her chest, blending in with her pale skin. Her braces always noticed with her large smile, a smile that everyone believes is real. Her voice, unheard. People heard her voice, but they never listened to it. So the blonde always kept her words and long lectures and stories in her head.

The blonde went by the name Mary Bee, a name gifted to her by her ancestors. Her ancestors weren't exactly normal, though. They didn't excatly love each other, but they kept each other alive for a decent amount of time. Sometimes... But Mary Bee didn't like to focus on her ancestors, she just focused on her plans. She had strong and bold plans for the future, she would prove that she can indeed reach the rose field.

Mary Bee sighed, now wasn't the time to speak with the pink skinned monster. After all, she had a friend to visit.

She exited the white bathroom that held many secrets. She was home alone, her half brother, mother, and stupid mothers boyfriend weren't at the house. Mary bee didn't mind being alone, she actually found some comfort in it. Nobody there to judge or humiliate you, it's just you.

Walking to her kitchen, she listened for any sound of movement besides her own body. A couple of creaks from the floorboards every now and then, but other than that she was completely alone, for so she thought. Once she finally reached the kitchen, she stopped and looked around. Her bare feet, freezing amongst the cold tiles. She saw the fridge, cabinets, the pantry, and the knives. She didn't have much experience with knives, after all Mary Bee is only nine, but she knew how to use one.

Mary Bee opened the fridge and pulled out a caprisun. "I want a sucker." Mary Bee thought to herself as she shut the fridge and stabbed the straw into the bottle. "I have some in my room, they always come out in good use." She snickered to herself for saving those, it always worked out for her and her luck. As she walked along the dark hall way with the creaky floorboards, she figured she should visit her older friend, Blake.

Mary Bee wore a blue dress that went to her knees, a pair of white ankle high socks with some black flats. Her hair wasn't brushed, leaving it with curls nearing the end. She didn't mind though, she loved it when her hair was curled. A sucker in her mouth, caprisun in her hand, and bouncey hair for when she skipped... Mary Bee was ready to face her strong friend who could win a war.

"Knock, knock." Mary Bee muttered to herself as she hit the polished door with her knuckles. Very quickly, the door was pulled open by a teen. He was about fifteen, he held a intimidating presence, wore a white T-shirt with a pair of Jean's, a scowl on his face for whoever bothered him. He had his black glasses on and his green hair was very nice looking. Blake had soft brown eyes that almost looked purple, a very beautiful purple. Mary Bee has always liked it. Blake's face quickly softened as soon as he saw Mary Bee bellow him.

"Well hey there, Bee!" Blake smiled as knelt down, getting to her height. He always was excited to see her. "Blake!" Mary Bee exclaimed, wrapping her arms around him for a real quick hug which he returned as usual. "Can I come in?" She asked, looking up at him in a hopeful matter. "Sure thing." He nodded, moving out of her way.

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