❝ .༄ form˚

780 15 122

[ remember, the more detailed the
better hehe.and delete the quotations!
it's just there to give you little notes ]

ˋૢ๑₊˚.༄ (🃏) j o k e r.
    ₊❏❜. . . username ::
    ₊❏❜. . . slot + backup ::
    ₊❏❜. . . face claim + backup ::


ˋૢ๑₊˚.༄ ( 🂡 ) a c e .
    ₊❏❜. . . birth name ::
    ₊❏❜. . . other name :: (if foreign)
    ₊❏❜. . . nickname(s) :: (optional.
you may give detail about who
calls them this and why.)
    ₊❏❜. . . birthdate + age | (four year age gap)
    ₊❏❜. . . height + weight | (make it reasonable)
    ₊❏❜. . . hometown |
    ₊❏❜. . . languages | (not everyone is
multilingual okay. but if your
character speaks multiple
                 languages, give me percentages
                 on how fluent they speak.
                ex. English - 56%.
                it's optional if you want to put
                in a description on how/why
           they speak those languages)
    ₊❏❜. . . nationality | (make it reasonable)
    ₊❏❜. . . sexuality | (optional)


ˋૢ๑₊˚.༄ ( ♠️ ) s p a d e s.
    ₊❏❜. . . personality :: (min. of one paragraph!
but, more detailed the better lol)

    ₊❏❜. . . likes :: (min. 3)
₊❏❜. . . dislikes :: ^
    ₊❏❜. . . hobbies :: (min. 2)

    ₊❏❜. . . background :: (min. of one
                paragraph! but more detailed
               the better lol. if your character
               is part of the council, try put a
              reason why and how they're in
              the council in the first place?)

    ₊❏❜. . . trivia :: (min. 7)


ˋૢ๑₊˚.༄ ( ♣️ ) c l u b s .
    ₊❏❜. . . family business :: (remember,
Jasang academy is for the rich and
powerful. what does their family do?

ex. her mother is the CEO of one of
Korea's well-known jewelry companies,
"K.Jewels Inc". this company is known
to sell rare stones that is incorporated
into the jewelry, but the stones were
secretly bought from the black market.

    ₊❏❜. . . salary :: (how much does your
family make?)

    ₊❏❜. . . theme song :: (optional. just a song that
matches your character)


ˋૢ๑₊˚.༄ ( ♥️ ) h e a r t s.
    ₊❏❜. . . love interest :: (optional. it can
either be one of the slots or someone
you can make up. if it's one of the
slots it may or may not be included
but I'll let you know! if you don't want
a love interest just erase most of these,
except for the 'relations/thoughts')
    ₊❏❜. . . back-up :: (if you chose slots)
    [delete this if you chose to make your own]

______ (if you chose to make your
own love interest. if you chose slots you can
erase this)
    ₊❏❜. . . name ::
    ₊❏❜. . . personality ::
    ₊❏❜. . . trivia :: (min. 3)
    ₊❏❜. . . year :: (year 1, year 2, etc.)
    ₊❏❜. . . family business ::
    ₊❏❜. . . salary ::
    ₊❏❜. . . status :: (popular, house pet, etc.)
    ₊❏❜. . . face claim + backup |

    ₊❏❜. . . how they act about each other?

    ₊❏❜. . . how do they feel about each other?

    ₊❏❜. . . relationship ::
beginning |

middle |

now |

    ₊❏❜. . . requested scenes with l/i :: (min. 2)

    ₊❏❜. . . relations/thoughts on
other students
(10 being very close. and with the
thoughts make them in first person!
      ex. "they're really full of themselves I
      swear-" it's optional and you can can
       put little descriptions of you'd like!)
➥ president :: 0/10
➥ snake :: 0/10
➥ relief :: 0/10
➥ gloating :: 0/10
➥ debate :: 0/10
➥ illuminate :: 0/10
➥ greedy :: 0/10
➥ unpleasant :: 0/10
➥ facts :: 0/10
➥ madness :: 0/10
➥ sublime :: 0/10
➥ nails :: 0/10


ˋૢ๑₊˚.༄ ( ♦️ ) d i a m o n d s .
    ₊❏❜. . . requested scenes :: (min. 2)
    ₊❏❜. . . message to this crAckhead ::
(lol sup byotch, nahh jk! hi love~)
    ₊❏❜. . . anything I forgot? ::
₊❏❜. . . tags :: (5+ people, optional but



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— if you need help with pastebin let me know!
— if you need help on this form or what to
    put here let me know!!!!

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