The Clown

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I trembled in fear as Henry approached me, his goons following behind him.

"Let's have some fun with this little bitch." Henry smirked, looking to his crew who nodded with terrifying grins.

I backed away as much as I could, though it wasn't much.

I thought about running but remembered the other times that I've tried that, each and every time they caught me, my punishment being worse than what it originally would've been.

I felt hot tears stream down my face as my bottom lip quivered, Henry laughing at my fear.

I suddenly started to run, my hands brushing away my tears as I sobbed. I heard Henry yelling as he and his crew chased behind me, their footsteps pounding in my head.

I ran for what felt like forever, my breaths being deep and fast as my legs ached in pain.

I still heard them following behind me, though I was a good distance ahead of them.

I quickly turned into an alleyway, my body dropping to the cold pavement.

I curled up behind a trash can as I quietly caught my breath, hoping that they'd pass by.

I heard as their footsteps got closer and closer-

"Come out little Y/n~" Henry purred in an amused yell "You know I'm gonna find you."

I shivered as I heard his voice right next to me.

I held my hands over my mouth as I shook, tears running from my eyes again.

"Come on! Get the fuck over here you bitch!" Henry yelled in anger, his voice fading away down the street.

I sighed in relief.

'I escaped him.' I thought with a smile, feeling happy that I had gotten away for once-

"Are you okay? You look a little down." I hear a jolly voice ask from the darkness.

I jumped as the person spoke, I wondered not only who it was but why would someone be here?

I watched as a hand emerged from the darkness, it being opened in front of me.

It was a white glove with dirty ruffles at its sleeves.

I inched my hand closer to theirs, uneasy about taking a completely strangers hand.

"Don't be afraid, I want to help you." They say softly, their calming tone putting me at ease.

I place my hand on theirs, the soft and smooth fabric of their glove on my skin.

I felt as the hand lightly pulled me up to my feet, pulling me slowly into the darkness.

I stopped-

"W-What are you doing?" I ask nervously.

"Don't you want to see me?" He asks, his tone sounding hurt at my resistance.

I thought to myself, do I really want to see this stranger? Well they did offer to help me-

"I do-"

"Hey! I think I heard her!" I hear Patrick, one of Henry's goons, call out from close by.

My eyes widened in fear as I started to shake once again, they must've heard me-

"Follow me~" The stranger whispers as he guides me down the alleyway.

I had no choice but to go with him, there was nothing else I could do, unless I wanted to be caught by Bowers, and ANYTHING is better than Bowers.

My Dolly - Yandere! Pennywise X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now