Meeting The Losers

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Me and Eddie continued to walk, ducking under fences and running through a big forest, crowded with lush trees.

Eddie stopped in an open area, the breeze lightly blowing in his hair.

"Why'd you stop?" I ask with a smile as I catch my breath.

Eddie kneels down and lifts up a trap door, leading down a ladder and to a small hideout.

"Eddie! There you are!" I heard a few voices call out happily, making Eddie smile.

"Get down here cutie~" A male voice purrs.

"Rich- come on, not now." Eddie says as he begins to climb down the ladder, his cheeks flushed.

As Eddie gets to the floor he starts to speak.

"I made a friend guys! Her names Y/n, I hope you don't mind if I brought her here." Eddie says to his friends.

"I don't mind at all." A male voice says.

"Yeah, it'd be nice to have another girl in the group." A girl voice says with a giggle.

"Y/n, you can come down!" Eddie calls out to me.

"Okay! I'll be right down!" I call out to him excitedly.

I untie my balloon from my wrist and tie it onto the branch of a tree branch, not wanting it to pop in the hideout.

I start to step down the ladder but pause as I hear an incredible burst of air nearby, blowing the leaves like something fast had dashed by or the wind became intense in a random spot-

"You comin Y/n?" Eddie asks, snapping me back to my senses.

"Y-Yeah, sorry." I reply as I continue to go down the ladder, my feet dropping to the ground.

"She better not have some guy friends, I don't want anyone trying to take my Eddie." A boy with curly hair, glasses, and a Hawaiian shirt says as he puts Eddie in a head lock and ruffles his hair.

"Don't worry, I'll always love you." Eddie sweetly says as he moves the boys arms out of the way and gives him a quick kiss, both of their cheeks red.

"Aw you guys are c-cute." I say happily for them, they looked perfect for each other.

"Looks like we got another stutterer, perfect for you Bill." A boy chuckles.

Who I assume to be Bill looks at me with flushed cheeks just before looking away when I turn to look at him.

"Oh, let me introduce you to everyone!" Eddie exclaims as he walks up to me.

"That's Stanley." Eddie says as he points to a boy with a puff of milk chocolate curly hair.

He smiles at me and I kindly smile back.

"That's Ben." Eddie says as he points to a boy, he was a bit chubby but it was adorable, he wore headphones and he had light brown hair.

He looked at me with a cute shy smile and I smiled back.

"That's Bill." Eddie says as he points to a boy with dark brown hair, beautiful blue eyes, and a plaid shirt.

Bill gives me a smile with his cheeks flushed just before he looks away.

"That's Beverly." Eddie says as he points to the girl of the group, she had redish-orange hair that she wore back in a ponytail, and she wore a cute knee-length dress.

She gave me a kind smile and a small wave and I waved back.

"That's Mike." Eddie said as he pointed to a boy with chocolate skin and black hair, he wore a white T-shirt.

He gave me a nice wave with a kind smile and I gave him a wave as well.

"And then there's-"

"Me! Richie Tozier." Richie says with confidence in his step as he stands with his hands on his hips and his eyes closed, a proud grin on his face.

I giggle at his silliness, he must love getting attention.

"Yeah- Richie." Eddie says with a roll of his eyes, a smile of course still on his face.

"Cmon Edster, you love me." Richie says with a chuckle, making Eddies cheeks red.

"Y-Yeah I do." Eddie mumbles to himself.

Richie takes Eddies hand and brings him over to a hammock, them both sitting in it together as they chat and laugh with each other.

"You have no idea how nice it is to have another girl here!" Beverly exclaims as she walks up to me, giggling with relief.

"Y-Yeah, it'll be nice having someone n-new here." Bill adds as he stands beside Beverly, his cheeks still flushed as he looks at me.

"It's nice to feel welcomed. You guys are so nice." I say with a smile, feeling happy at their kindness to me.

"Well y-you're a loser now, one of u-us." Bill says, his face lighting up with a bright smile.

"I-I mean if you w-want to!" Bill exclaims in sudden panic, thinking that he must've been rushing me into this.

"I'd love to." I say with a sweet smile, happy to have made such good friends.

After I spoke Bills panic becomes happiness as a smile returns to his face.

Throughout the rest of the night we all talked, laughed, and became closer. With them I felt like I was free, like I really belonged here.

As the night ended we all said goodbye. Everyone went back home on their bikes as I had to walk home.

After I had waved them goodbye and they rode off, I grabbed my balloon, it still being safe. I tied it back on my wrist and started to walk home.

I walked down the dark street, my face full of happiness after the day I had.

I started to think about earlier today, about Bowers. I felt full of fear as I thought of him but tried to push away the thought.

I kept walking, all the happy thoughts of my new friends going through my head-

Suddenly I heard a rustling in the woods nearby, it wasn't just any rustling, it was something only a person or big animal could make.

I stopped in my tracks, my eyes stuck on the dark trees where I had heard the noise. I looked closer until I saw-

The clown.

I suddenly remembered the clown from before, his kindness and how he had saved me.

"Pennywise, what are you doing here?" I ask as I walk up to him, a smile on my face.

As I got closer to him I started to get a little nervous, noticing how he was towering over me in the pitch black dark, but I ignored the feeling.

"I've been waiting to see you alone my dear." He softly says as he lightly pats my head, his blue eyes glowing like a small light in the darkness.

"You've been waiting to see me, why?" I ask with a giggle, the fact that he wanted to see me making me feel special.

From the blue light highlighting his face, I could see his cheeks flush redder as I giggled.

"I just- ahem- had to see you again." He says as he looks away from me, quietly clearing his throat.

"I was looking forward to seeing you too." I say happily, finding his slight nervousness cute.

His cheeks get redder, almost matching the red streaks of makeup on his face.

He looks as if he's holding back an urge, like he's trying to keep from doing something-

"Go home and get rest, dolly-" He shyly mumbles just before completely disappearing.

I jump as he disappears, his blue, glowing eyes leaving me alone in the darkness.

"Pennywise! Pennywise?!" I call out with worry, feeling sad that he once again left so soon.

I walked home from then on feeling sad that Pennywise left me quickly each time that I saw him, though it did make me happy to know that he seemed to care for me.

My Dolly - Yandere! Pennywise X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now