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I walked down my street and went into my house. All the lights are off so my stepdad must be asleep-

"Y/n why are you getting home so late?" I heard my stepdad say in a drunk tone.

I thought to myself, he wouldn't care, why is he even asking?

"I just made some new friends, that's all." I reply nervously, afraid of what he'd say back.

"New friends? They must be a bad influence. Stay away from them." He demanded, trying to stand and walk over to me but he stumbled, almost falling to the ground.

"What?! You can't make me do that!" I shout at him with tears forming in my eyes.

"Ye-Yes I can. If I told them about how you killed your mother, they'd alllllll hate you." He said, an amused smile on his face.

I felt hot tears run down my face as he brought up my mom, I thought; Would he really tell them? Would they hate me?

"Now- come here." He says with a drunken slur.

I hesitantly walk up to him, I knew if I didn't I was gonna be beaten even worse when he got over to me.

I now stood in front of him, my head down.

"Look at me." He demands, a light growl in his angry tone.

My head slowly looks up to him, afraid of what he's getting at.

"You're going to stay away from those kids, right?" He asks, slurring his words as he looks down to me with a disapproving expression.

"I-" I didn't know what to say, I couldn't stay away from them-

"What?!" He yells with a raised eyebrow, making me flinch away in fear.

"I-I won't." I say as I shook in fear, his eyes wide at my response.

"Y-You will!" He demands in a yell-

I feel a hard hit across my face as I fall to the ground, tears falling from my eyes.

"Do you understand me?!" He yells at me as I shook on the floor.

I simply didn't respond as I tried to stand up-

"You can't get up!-" He yelled just before kicking me in the stomach, making me fall once again, the air knocked out of my system.

"P-Please stop-" I cried, holding my stomach in excruciating pain.

"I want to show you what happens when you misbehave." He says darkly as he kicks my legs, his rough kicks making me feel like he could break a bone.

"AH!-" I screamed in a cry, trying to put my hands in front of where he was kicking to shield them from more pain.

I hear him laugh under his breath as he continues to kick, my hands starting to bleed.

After he had kicked me for what seemed like forever, he stopped, but not due to my begging, he just wanted another beer.

He walked away to the kitchen to get a beer, leaving me alone, on the floor.

I sobbed as I struggled to move, my legs shaking as they slightly bled, bruises now on my thighs.

I first sat up, looking at the kitchen doorway in fear, afraid of his return.

I stumbled to my feet, trying my best to run into my room but tripping a few times in the process.

Once I got into my room I quickly locked the door, curling up in bed as I continued to sob, my hands cupping my face.

Suddenly I heard a quick creak from my closet, though the door was fully closed.

My Dolly - Yandere! Pennywise X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now