chapter two

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[5PM, March 7th, 1992
Derry, Maine]

IT WAS EXACTLY 5PM when Richie finally decided to go to the Quarry to meet Beverly and her friends. He was growing tired of trying to blow smoke rings and decided he needed to grab a new packet of smokes anyway. So he slipped on his jacket, plugged in his walkman and steadily walked downstairs, carefully trying to not wake up his parents as he took a fifty from his Dad's wallet.

The ride over to the quarry on his bike was peaceful, the sun was slowly setting, his eyes were concentrated on the road and his mind on the music playing in his ears. The Smashing Pumpkins paving the way for clear thoughts and for a better night ride. He pulled up near the quarry and gulped as he saw all their bikes parked about 50m away from the cliff's edge. A million thoughts raced through his mind.

"Richie!" Beverly booming voice called out. "Over here!"

Richie nervously walked over to the group of teenagers and gently set down his bike. Not wanting to attract too much attention to himself.

"I knew you'd come." Beverly beamed at Richie. "Got too boring at home?"

"No needed a smoke. Figured you have some to spare for the birthday boy."

Bev produced a cigarette from behind her ear and passed it to Richie who immediately lit it. "Richie, you know these guys don't you?"

Richie looked around the group of strangers, sure he knew of them. There was Stuttering Bill, Stanley, Ben and Mike. He didn't know Mike all too well but had heard about him, the others he had gone to school with his entire life.

"Hey. Aren't you guys missing a member?" Richie spoke confidently. "Little hypochondriac dude?"

"E-Eddie?" Bill stuttered.

Richie nodded, noting that he was starting to enjoy his absence.

"Eddie should be here soon but he's got some stuff going on with his Mom," Stan said, in a tone that was obviously trying to intimidate Richie.

"I got some stuff going on with his Mom too. If you catch my drift." Richie winked at Stan and took a seat next to Bev who was trying to light a weed but failing because of the harsh wind. "Here Bev, give it to me."

Richie lit the cigarette and handed it back to Bev, just in time to see Eddie Kaspbrak stroll towards them with his bike. Eddie Kaspbrak was a small kid, Richie had him in every single one of his classes, every year without fail. Richie didn't hate Eddie, he just heavily disliked him. You see, there was nothing more irritating then listening to a kid whine about every single little thing. Richie would never forget the time their biology teacher wheeled in the dead rats.

"What's he doing here?" Eddie scoffed as he sat down next to Mike.

"Gag me with a spoon that couldn't be little Edward Kaspbrak could it?" Richie gasped in fake surprise.

"I will gladly shove a spoon down your throat if it means you'll shut the fuck up." Eddie crossed his arms and began starting a different conversation with Bill and Ben.

"You have a good birthday Richie?" Mike Hanlon quietly said from next to Beverly.

"It was alright, but I'm definitely gonna have a better night."

"Why's that?"

"Eddie's Mom invited me over."

"Beep beep Richie." Beverly chuckled.

Richie rolled his eyes and laid his head on Beverly's lap, gazing upwards. The sunset was turning the sky into an assortment of colours. Richie tried to ignore everyone stares as he let his headphones dangle loosely across his ears, Kurt Cobain's voice once again doing the job of filling the silence.

"Hey Rich, we're gonna go over to Bill's house if you wanna come," Mike tapped Richie's shoulder. "Bev said something about you not getting a proper birthday celebration so.."

"Ah.. a pity party?"

"W-What? No, nothing like that!" Ben stuttered, standing up. "Just a few friends hanging out I guess."

Richie sat up, pulling his headphones to his shoulders. "Will Eddie's Mom be there?"

Eddie scoffed and flipped Richie off. "Fuck you Trashmouth."

"Only if you want me to Eds."

"Don't call me Eds!" Eddie exasperatedly stood up and dusted off his pants.

"Too late, you're stuck with it now."


[ Mike is so underappreciated like where is the hype for my dude? He got no screentime in it2017 and there was no hype for him in the 2019 adpation and honestly it makes me sad.

anyway, thoughts on the chapter? ]

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