chapter four

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[10AM March 8th 1992
Derry, Maine]

BOTH RICHIE AND EDDIE awoke to the sound of laughter coming from the group of teenagers. It took them both a red hot minute to figure out why they were laughing in the first place.

"What the fuck is so funny?" Richie grunted, squinting up at the people staring down at him.

"Having fun playing big spoon Rich?" Bev laughed. "Didn't take you for a top."

Richie looked at his hands to see that they were wrapped around Eddie, and Eddie had pressed himself right up against Richie. Eddie's face was bright red as he desperately pulled the covers over him and separated himself from Richie.

"Just practice for what I'll be doing to your Mom tonight Eds." Richie sat up and put on his glasses, correcting the blur. "Excepting when we're spooning she likes it when I-"

"Beep beep Richie." Bev couldn't control herself now, she was crying with laughter.

"Is that how you get him to shut up? Beep beep? Like fucking road runner?" Eddie sat stunned, he didn't think that there was a way to shut Richie up, he just assumed he had no off button. "Why did no one tell me this earlier?"

"Eddie, you'll use it so much you'll ruin the effect." Stan rolled his eyes. "We want it to work."

"Still here ya know." Richie stood, stretching his arms out and yawning. "What's for breakfast Billy Boy?"

Bill shrugged and pointed at the pantry. "H-Help yourself."

[11:30AM March 8th 1992
Derry, Maine]

"Be careful Richie, don't fucking get yourself killed by Bowers alright." Bev hugged Richie and let him grab his bike so he could finally head home. His arms were tired and he missed his other music, the works of The Smashing Pumpkins and Nirvana were not enough to sustain him for two days.

"Did you at least enjoy your birthday Rich?" Mike asked, also grabbing his bike so he could ride home. "I know turning 16 is like a big deal and all."

"Yeah, it was alright. Thanks Mike for asking, you're a true pal." Richie smiled.

Mike handed Richie his number. "Call if you wanna hang out sometime, it's gets lonely down on the farm, the losers would love to do stuff with you too just so you know."

"Thanks, I'll be sure to call soon." Richie tucked the paper into his back pocket and waved to Mike, waving back at him.

He arrived home with a grin on his face, he had never been so happy before in his entire life. He had never had a group of friends before. Could he even consider them friends? I mean he did just spend the night at Bill's house. They didn't want him to get hurt. He literally spooned Eddie this morning.

His heart skipped a beat when he thought about Eddie, cute little Eddie. He was 100 times more annoying when he was awake, but with all that set aside: Richie found him adorable. His freckles, his two fanny packs full of medicine that he probably didn't even need, his sassy attitude. Completely and utterly adorable.

[8AM March 9th 1992
Derry, Maine]

Monday roll call seemed to drag on for hours, and the morning announcements seemed to go for longer. That was until Eddie Kaspbrak and Ben Hanscom walked in late- breathing heavily and pointing at Richie.

"We need to talk to Richie Miss." Ben huffed. "Uh. Mr. Paulson said he needed him."

Richie looked towards the teacher and shrugged his shoulders, as if he didn't know the two boys at all and didn't spend his entire sunday thinking about the wheezy kid in tight red shorts.

"What the fuck do you two want?" Richie asked as soon as he was out into the hallway.

"Follow us." Ben said almost angrily, taking strong strides as they walked to the football field. Ben lead him to the bleachers where he could hear faint crying.

"A human fucking target! I told you idiots!" Richie immediately recognised it as Stan's voice.

Richie made his way underneath the bleachers to find Stan and Bill badly cut up, Beverly was there trying to console Stan but was failing miserably.

"Oh look who it is, the human fucking target himself." Stan spat at him. "We were finally under his radar! But then you had to show u-"

"S-Shut up Stan!" Bill yelled over him. "W-We get i-it."

Bill was trying really hard to keep it together, Richie could tell he was in a lot of pain. His cheek was dark purple and he was clearly bleeding on his arms.

"Was it Bowers?" Richie muttered.

"Y-Yeah." Bill looked down at his hands. "H-He was l-looking for you."

Richie felt his heart pick up in his chest, he had completely forgotten about the events that had only happened a few days earlier. He had forgotten about Bowers threats. Heck, he couldn't even remember what the date was that Saturday.

"Why was he looking for you Rich?" Bev sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "If we're all getting cut up and beaten because of your dumb mistake, we at least deserve to know what you did."

Richie could hear his heart in his ears, and could feel pins and needles in his feet. He needed to leave.

"Richie!" Bev said. "I need you to answer buddy."

He couldn't answer, how could he have answered if his mouth was glued shut by the thoughts running through his head.

"The one time he doesn't talk, we need him to talk." Eddie sighed exasperated.

That was just enough to set Richie off the edge, as he turned on his heel on walked towards the school fence. Pulling his headphones over his ears and trying to calm down. There wasn't anything playing in them but the muffled sounds of the losers club seemed to be soothing.

He curled himself into a small ball, humming along to nothing at all. He was overthinking it, surely. He didn't do anything bad, Bowers just like to assume things. Bowers has a shit for brains, Richie thought.

Richie knew he was wrong, he knew Bowers was smart enough to figure out what was going on. He wasn't blind.

Richie continued down the spiral until he felt a small, gentle tap on his shoulder.



it was my birthday tho so that was a lotta fun, got to see 'the call of the wild'. longest two hours of my entire life; I chugged like three monsters and dropped all my skittles smh.


+ also i love your comments they're so entertaining pls comment more ily ]

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2020 ⏰

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