chapter three

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[8:30PM March 7th 1992
Derry, Maine]

THE RIDE TO BILL'S was dead silent, except for the peculiar humming that everyone could hear coming out of Richie's headphones. Richie, however, remained completely oblivious to the way everyone was looking back at him. The group had been so immersed in their ride (and in Richie), that they didn't even notice the car that had been following them for several blocks.

"Hey Fag!" A voice-- that sounded way too familiar for Richie's liking-- yelled. "Where do you think you're going?"

Richie didn't dare look behind him, he just sped ahead. "Fucking peddle faster!"

The losers hurriedly followed behind Richie, peddling as fast as they possibly could have to dodge the incoming flying empty beer cans that were being thrown at them through the car windows.

"Is that H-Henry B-Bowers?" Bill ducked, trying to dodge a can.

"Don't worry Bill! Just keep riding!" Ben called.

They arrived at Bill's house a whole 5 minutes later, dumping their bikes on the lawn and running inside, slamming the door shut behind them.

"You are fucking dead Trashmouth! Fucking fairy!" Henry screamed from the front lawn, throwing another can at the front step. "We'll fucking get you, you can't hide forever fag!"

"Everyone good?" Bev breathed, running her hand through her red ringlets. "Richie, you okay?"

He definitely wasn't okay, it had been a whole two months since the incident with Henry's cousin in the arcade and Henry was still after him. Richie wasn't exactly afraid of Bowers, more afraid of what he could do to him. He had bad mouthed Henry plenty of times at school, under the protection of teachers and other kids. But he knew Bowers would kill him this time.

Richie muttered out a "Yeah." and looked out the peephole to see if Henry and his goons had left Bill's property.

"I gotta go." Richie stated quickly, realising he was probably causing a huge scene.

He reached for the door knob but Bill stopped him. "Y-You can't g-go out t-there, R-Richie," He stepped in front of Richie and held the door shut. "B-Bowers is s-still out t-there!"

"He's right, Rich." Bev said, making herself comfortable on the couch. "The last thing we need is to have to lug your body into the police station."

"Yeah, spend the night with us Richie. You can go home in the morning." Mike placed his arm around Richie and grinned.

"I mean I guess so?" Richie shrugged. "If it's cool with Bill."

"O-Of course it i-is."

Eddie and Stan were the only two that looked unpleased with the decision. Their cold stares burning holes through the middle of his back.

"Since when do we let human targets stay with us?" Eddie scoffed, crossing his arms.

"Since we decided we weren't assholes, Eddie." Ben deadpanned. "That's what makes us different from the idiots out there."

"Being an asshole and protecting yourself are two different things." Stan stated, taking a spot on the couch. "But whatever I guess."

A few hours had passed and Richie was growing bored of sitting around and watching tv. He really wished he could have been home right now, wrapped up in his blankets, listening to music. But no, he was laying on the carpeted floor of Bill Denbrough's lounge room, complaining about being bored.

"If you're so bored Richie, why don't you tell us what to do?" Mike replied. "It beats rolling over on the floor complaining."

"I don't know, Eds your Mom busy?"

"Shut up Trashmouth."

"Got any bored games Bill?" Stan asked rolling his eyes at the two.

"W-We got C-Cluedo upstairs."

Richie cheered, clearly delighted with the response. Bill made his way upstairs and Richie began to look around more, noticing a shrine of photos of a child no older than five. Bill was posing with him for a lot of them, but Bill looked younger, happier.

"That's his brother." Mike whispered quietly, having seen Richie's wandering eyes. "He passed away a few years back. Don't say mention it to Bill, it upsets him."

Richie nodded in understanding and looked around a bit more. Bill Denbrough wasn't in a single picture by himself, there were family pictures, pictures with Georgie but never any with Bill alone. Richie was going to get up to look a little more. but Bill walked downstairs with the Cluedo box.

"Bring it on losers." Richie smirked, as if Cluedo was really that competitive.

[1AM March 8th,
Derry, Maine]

Richie could not sleep, he wasn't sure if it was because of the uncomfortable carpet, the fact that it wasn't his house or Eddie Kaspbrak's extremely heavily breathing. In all of his life, Richie had never heard anyone sleep so LOUDLY. He gave up eventually, placing the pillow over his head, trying to muffle the sound but it didn't do much considering Eddie was right next to him. He rolled over to look at the sleeping boy and was pleasantly surprised by how much more attractive Eddie looked when he slept. Richie was about to turn onto his back, when he heard the boy struggling to breathe.

"Richie." Eddie whispered, gripping Richie's shoulder, panicking. "Grab.. my.. inhaler."

Richie got up as quietly as possibly and ran over to Eddie's fanny pack pulling out the blue inhaler, and handed it to Eddie.

"You all good Eds?" Richie asked, patting his shoulder gently. "You looked kind of startled."

"Bad dream." Eddie looked down at his hands, fumbling with his inhaler "And don't call me Eds."

Richie chuckled and laid back down. "Goodnight Eds, I'll tell your mother you say hi."

It wasn't until 2AM when Richie finally heard the evened sleepy breaths of Eddie. He rolled over again to see Eddie scooched up a little closer than he was before. Richie smiled to himself and finally let his eyes close for the night.

[ Heyo my dudes, how y'all doin? The Im not okay with this trailer dropped today and I do not think anyone is ready. WYATTS CHARACTER IS CALLED STANLEY AND HES JUST PLAYING HIMSELF ITS SO FUNNY.

Also I got myself a new job, working at KFC so thats fun, but that does mean I can buy a properly working computer, which is g r e a t.

Anywho, uh.. can anyone honestly give me an opinion on stranger things because I haven't seen it yet and everyone loves it, I just don't wanna waste the time watching a season and I end up not liking it? ]

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